Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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Got it zoro and Luffy with help are actually subcommander level… genius take
Yes cause Lunarian defense is been established to be that OP even above someone like Kaido. Why you acting lik3 we haven't seen them fighting they were getting blitzed and stopped. They are Lunarian merchants. Sanji literally stood theur abd let S Jinbei punch him. Their Ap, speed etc... need boost, but fir 12 year old they are strong has hell.
Yes cause Lunarian defense is been established to be that OP even above someone like Kaido. Why you acting lik3 we haven't seen them fighting they were getting blitzed and stopped. They are Lunarian merchants. Sanji literally stood theur abd let S Jinbei punch him. Their Ap, speed etc... need boost, but fir 12 year old they are strong has hell.
Because they messed up Luffy and zoro lmao. Or did they do that to themselves?
Lmao why need haki when they have greater durability than any haki user and greater AP than armament haki can give.

It’s like saying BBs ass cause he doesn’t have CoC
They do not have greater AP than CoA can give. Durability sure. That’s all they have though. No CoO, no CoC, no commabder level attacks. Literally nothing but durability.


When were you under the impression this game is..
People get bandages in downtime all the time. Luffy after fighting the seraphim ecen tho they not severely injured for example. Lucci got one bandage on his cheek he doesn't look severely injured at all.

Agreed G5 Luffy in his strongest form with CoA was toying with Luffy. Lets see if Lucci going to maje Zoro use Ashura with CoA
“With coa” is cope.
Lucci is easily YC1. Pushing Zoro to a high diff fight isn't a bad look.
My problem w/ Zoro vs. Lucci is that it logically shouldn't do much for Zoro as a fighter.

Zoro still has a long way to go before he reaches Mihawk's level.

Lucci would have to be not just arguably stronger than King, but outright and obviously stronger than him to push Zoro's growth.

There's just such a huge disparity between who Mihawk and Rayleigh are (as in, the benchmarks for EoS Zoro) and who Zoro is right now. Or at least, that's how it seems based on Zoro's track record of opponents and his prestige.
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