Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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Oh, you missed the month where we wanked the 9 Vice Admirals.

Kadar is a certified YC1 tier fighter. Just ask @Stacks
Oda starving us so bad with breaks, I'm sure wankers were spamming critical mindset level dissertations on the Vice Admiral vs SH matchups :kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:
Lucci was KO'd on three hits while not landing a single one, he didn't win shit he was completely embarrassed and outclassed. You can twist what happened all you want it won't change the fact that Lucci got Blueno'd hard.
Lucci won the overall match, he gained control of Seraphims after taking down Sentomaru.
Luffy witnessed all this and could do anything but running away
Yeah it's probably fake but if it were to be true it would seem like Oda is giving his middle finger to anyone who thinks a crew member is stronger than Luffy which is unlikely to happen lmao
I think the idea was to spice up the conversation or at least it seems that way. Otherwise It'd be pretty boring if all we got was Sentomaru flashback and Zoro fighting Lucci. It'd be pretty boring.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
We are laughing at them rn and they are coping.

But people will seriously start to argue Lucci>Kizaru and the admiral fans won't have a response lol
Blah blah
You are fooled by Oda

"Someone very strong is coming!!"
Then don't even bother using gear against him :suresure:

Luffy took Lucci more seriously than Kizaru
Too late :saden:
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