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It was only a matter of time I guess. Unless what @LANJI CUCKSMOKE says is true, and this is something completely unique to Kizaru (though I can see it being replicated, I haven't looked at raws in detail).

Kaidou was a top tier, most would say the strongest, and he made Snakeman + FS look undefeatable without FS. So you can't even blame people for praising Katakuri.
You can deal with FS with extreme speed, which is what Kizaru did.
There is nothing to discuss here.
Just look at how Oda drew Snakeman v. Kaidou & Snakeman v. Kizaru & Snakeman v. Katakuri.

Compare the three and you'll see which one this chapter is closer to.

Both Kizaru & Luffy are holding their powers back.
What I see here is classic Oda non-showing thing:

- we don't see the charging of techniques (so no trails);
- we did not see the hits, because are covered by Kizaru "light".

What we do see is Luffy visibly worried, wich wouldn't have any sense if he wasn't using all he had. And in fact he goes G5 right after.

By the way, if you are expecting to see trails or the no touching now with G5, better think again because there weren't any even though Kaido explicitly said Luffy was using CoC :
i think the reason he did is the speed of the other gears is lacking
coc wouldnt change that
I think there needed to be some key moments when we could see that Kizaru started to "struggle" at first with the other gears, then went more easily and dunked on these.

That's some battle pattern I'd gladly see tbh.

As for the ACoC stuff. I do think it makes a difference.
They are harder to block - very important since Kizaru effortlessly blocked Snake Man hits which would maybe look different if they were amped with ACoC.
ACoC attacks simply hit much more harder.

Besides, this is still just the beginning of the fight. Maybe both will start using ACoC at some point of the battle.

At the end, it isn't even that bad. I mean some people cope about "If Luffy used ACoC he would trash Kizaru" but we've already seen Kuzan tanking ACoC hits from Garp. So I doubt Luffy using ACoC would immediately trash Kizaru. That's just unrealistic and stupid expectations driven by agendas.

It is also not likely Kizaru wins against Luffy lmao. People also didn't learn from Luffy vs Katakuri. At best both get fully interrupted which would be beyond trash. Who wants to see Luffy vs Kizaru rematch being postponed?
I see split opinions on this. Most people on this forum agree with you that ACoC doesn't make you faster, but a lot of people I talk to think it does, and a lot of them cite Luffy's feats against Kaido once he awakened ACoC in base compared to how he was performing prior, even while using gears.

Curious on your thoughts
kaido's speed is in spurts not constant
he could blitz luffy in gear 4 when he wanted to attack with a thunder bagua even post coc coating ( drunk thunder bagua)
and at the same time could get tagged by luffy in base.

kizaru's speed seems more constant
Either it's WCI Luffy or it's Rooftop Luffy.
Either way, nothing special compared to Yonkou or Admirals, and Kizaru thrashing it is expected.
It is not possible for this Luffy to be anywhere close to WCI Luffy. This can only be Rooftop Luffy and Luffy didn't pull out Snakeman only until very late in the fight.


Noodle pretended he didn't put the Mochi Merchant on the Admiral's levels
Soon as Kizaru fights a way stronger version Luffy the mask comes off and Noodle is trying to put MochiMan above him
I don't know what's wrong with him.
Kuzan already came out of WCI with leaving behind Frozen mochi.
Against Kizaru he's simply fried. Mochi.
On serious note,
I'm not saying katakuri is above kizaru

It's just that G4 Luffy took katakuri and kaido more seriously!
He used named attacks and everything he had

Here it's like he's taking kizaru lightly
So kizaru feat isn't better than Katakuri's despite him blocking luffy

"He kicked g4 luffy away" yeah so did Katakuri with a basic kick even (not named)


I'd fuck Bonney so hard man it doesn't make sense
She might not be able to walk
Like we genuinely may be sore by the end of it
I would not fucking go down against that ass man I'd stand my damn ground for hours even after I busted I'm not giving up until I literally am too exhausted and tired to continue
You're slowly turning into Warchief and midnight.
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