*author makes the adv CoC mode for Zoro recognizable from constant green flames on zoro's swords"
-"aCTUalLy iT's Avd CoA OVerFlow"
-"iF YoU gO bACk 500 chAPtERs, TheRE's a sMALl pANeL WherE IN thE cORnER YoU SEE sOmE Haki FARtS"
-"You seE ThIs sCriBBLE? it MeANs zORo iS not USiNG HAki BEcauSe bLADe IS pUrE WhIte, Don'T minD prevIOUs oR next pANelS wHERE THe BLADe iS Black"

-"aCTUalLy iT's Avd CoA OVerFlow"
-"iF YoU gO bACk 500 chAPtERs, TheRE's a sMALl pANeL WherE IN thE cORnER YoU SEE sOmE Haki FARtS"
-"You seE ThIs sCriBBLE? it MeANs zORo iS not USiNG HAki BEcauSe bLADe IS pUrE WhIte, Don'T minD prevIOUs oR next pANelS wHERE THe BLADe iS Black"