Nah Shanks is definitely a snitch man, thats why he protects such vulnerable people too, that fleet of helpless people he tried to protect and take under his wing and also why he wanted to deal with Bartolome for what he did, despite chickening out of it too, as he knew Barto would offscreen him with his unstoppable barrier and being Luffys no 1 fan over Shanks and also why Shanks tried to prevent Ace going after Blackbeard on a suicide mission.
The snitch stuff is genuinely just slander/trolling, no genuine Shanks fan or/and sane person believes he is one. Unless the fucker snitched on someone like Luffy or Kidd LMAO! Doesnt help the timing of when it happened and the whole Nika reveal and CP0 getting involved in Wano and such but alas.
I love and hate Shanks, its fun to troll the people who constantly troll other fanbases in the OP fanbase and act all high and mighty, full of superiority complex whilst claiming all others are like that instead, because Shanks is the most favoured character by Oda and his pet and their constant bullying of Kidd fans after what happened with Shanks vs Kidd too.
I rather Shanks has been pulling a Batman/Chess Gambit on the WG and manipulating/trolling them, making it seem like hes trying to bargain with them and curry favour but hes screwing them over in the long run hugely, without them knowing. Roger's ultimate karmic, poetic revenge from beyond the grave.