Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Kitetsu Wanker
Well, certainly seems disappointing but we have to see if he actually has any damage and that is a reason why he cant move yet or this is just a plot device removing him from the scene so Saturn can get his 5 minutes until Zoro comes back which is when Kizaru should be up and ready as if nothing happened. My prediction is that Godfy has failed to put 2 people down for good and Zoro has to do it all himself...

Can't wait to see Zoro showing up in King of Hell mode and scaring Saturn to the death.
Calling all Zoro stans @nik87 help me please.
ZKS has being started!
My prediction from the start was that Zoro beats Kizaru on Egghead by one-shotting him.
I dont think he will interact with Saturn because Saturn would look bad against Zoro.
I think Sanji will deliver the final blow on him.

@nik87 @Roronoa-sama @mly90 @Cruxroux @Redboy776 Luffy and Sanji are done, WORO will appears and save them
It is paralleling the Satori fight.
They were initially trashed by Satori before they ended up winning.
I doubt that Zoro will be involved in Saturn fight.
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