Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Again, Kaido used neither CoC coating, nor hybrid or advanced Bagua versions to one shot Luffy despite blunt force resilience.

And Saturn doesn't "just" need to look, it obviously is some signature ability of his to hit people from distance with a glance. And that attack didn't knock out Sanji, not even Bonney. Meanwhile Shanks made an Admiral twerk from 20 miles away.
It was coming out of Luffy
And same AdvCoC attack was no sold by Zoro and Law
Even kinnemon took one to head

Saturn can beat Scabbards Luffy Law and Kidd by himself just by looking at them
Stop the nonsense dude
You are looking ridiuculous
Saturn stomps Kaido
No ifs
Buts Ors about it

Keep your attention to admiral fans
Don't put Kaido against someone he's a clear fodder to
Its like Sanji fans tryna argue Sanji > Shanks
Wtf is this guy talking about?
Zoro and Luffy with Lucci and Kaku's help couldn't even tickle the Seraphim like Exoskeleton Sanji did

One flameless kick did way better than Boundman and Lucci

Not to mention that Sanji fought alone (and im not gonna even bring the possibility of S-Shark losing his arm being real)
G5 too strong, had to nerf
Apart from kaido cause of his scales, nobody has taking G5 without feeling it greatly

lucci almost died and luffy was playing with him, kizaru took one attack without defending and can’t move granted it was with acoc
No need to nerf just write a way to counter attacks. Be creative instead of lameass stamina regression. He was able to write excellent G3 and G2 drawbacks without losing mojo. G4 and G5 no difference in drawbacks which is lame. Stamina issues is for old people Luffy not even 20 years.
Kizaru: taking a rest.

Luffy: needs to be saved immediately.


I was worried that Luffy fans would lose their minds after Wano and Gear 5, but it's even worse than I thought.

Luffy just beat a man, Kaido, the WG was scared of attacking.

Kizaru is still conscious, while Luffy is saying nothing and needs to be saved by other people.

And people think Luffy is winning here???
Did you forget how much plot armour luffy had in wano .
Even saying luffy beat Kadio not that simple with all context behind it .
Shit luffy had so much plot armour in wano he came back to life and need saving 3 times .
We no where that level of needing plot armour like that yet lol.
Well I can't draw so I wouldn't know.
Maybe you're right.
I am right.

To ilustrate, a student asked me if I could draw Goku the other day and the bust (head and shoulders) took me barely one minute. I don't think the artist needed more than five to ten minuts to draw that whole thing, and as I said most of the coloring is plain (that's literally just one click for each color area) with barely any shading and highlighting (and what there's is very easy too since it follows natural forms; example: the shadow projected by Saturn's forehead around his eyes).

Not trying to diminish the drawing, let's take that right. Just sharing some insight from a person who can draw and paint.
I guess Luffy didn't beat Kaido , doffy with his finishers since luffy was down aftedwards unconscious after sending them down

I guess katakuri vs Luffy was beyond stalemate, katakuri won that figjt since he was up after the finisher and up before Luffy when they woke up 10 min later...

Luffy isn't fairly superior, luffy is clewlrsuperior or
That's why oda didn't have Use advanced haki (all 3) against Kizaru till that move
Doffy and Kaido are knocked out and Kaido was getting cremated
Yes, Luffy and Katakuri is a draw. I’d even argue Katakuri let him win
Luffy was literally using his strongest form after Kizaru kicked him in the chin in g4.
Both Kizaru and Luffy can’t move, it’s a draw for the moment. Both will get back up too after Saturn’s flashback is over. We haven’t even seen any of Kizaru’s own finishers, he’s not meant to lose this arc.
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