Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1103 Spoilers Discussion

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Where is the collapse of the fandom? Trolls who pretend to like said character but are lying their ass off and getting their rocks off on slandering the character every thread?

Real Sanji fans know to wait for the rest of the spoilers since the leakers would never mention anything good in early spoilers even if there was, and exaggerate any negatives. So to not even mention the character just means there's things left out good or bad.

Real Sanji fans stand by their favorite character.
Congrats @MonsterZoro You are the biggest Sanji Fan for triggering this shit lmao

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Yeah i know but like the 3 lines don't even mention anyone else other than Kuma or Bonney .
I not seeing any Bonney agenda at least start pushing what crazy shit saturn can make her do by mess with her dna.
It's because like 3 kept pushing the "Sanji is gonna save Bonney" agenda.

Therefore it's slander time!
We got see what this bum can do cause auto regen alone make it harder for him to lose body parts.
The part of chapter is going funny is what extra stff Oda add to Bonny for he to keep up for a while.
She become like the new law a new power every time we see her do stuff again lol .
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