People are right to be scared. Oda did not gas the Gorosei up like he did via Saturn for them to barely be YC1/+ level fighters.
He just had Saturn display a higher regen feat this chapter according to spoilers than anything Marco has ever shown despite that being his devil fruit's main benefit. Meanwhile, he has literal fucking magic, a passive aura ability that can keep supposed YC+ Sanji on lock (whom was eye-diffed by Saturn btw) and Saturn has yet to actually even really do shit combat-wise.
ALL of this? Is warm up.

These guys? Are guaranteed to be all Top Tiers at WORST. I can easily see Oda using them to officially announce the dawn of One Piece "God tier" if he wants. Anybody who is saying otherwise is legit just consuming the story blindfolded and its ESPECIALLY hypocritical from the Shanks fanbase (arguably the second biggest Gorosei haters behind the Admirals) to clown on Saturn for losing an arm to Kuma.
At least Saturn can just fucking grow it back.