Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1104 Spoilers Discussion

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yall keep falling for Pew's spoilers again and again:gokulaugh: we all know Saturn is fine , if anything else we should fucking talk about that insane regeneration cuz tf u mean he can regrow a WHOLE LIMB???? just like that?? In this department, His df is on par with the phoenix, maybe even better. We just don't know the mechanism behind it yet
The fact that Kizaru now attacks the good guys should disregard the notion that he is on their side... but that's an evident misdirection

Because it’s obvious that Kizaru is the one who brought the food to Luffy, just look at the different positions where Kizaru is shown before and after the food scene
Seems really like Dressrosa Fujitora's weird behaviour, just for different reasons
Mofos still thinking he gave Luffy food? Lmao
Im just hoping they have a clash at least

If that doesn't happen this arc im probably dropping One Piece, you can't have Sanji there doing absolutely nothing against these guys, especially after being released from a hax ability
I think a clash is likely, as it looks like Luffy is still down and Sanji is the only one that should be able to react to Kizaru speed without it being retarded writing.
Sanji is top commander level, a clash is fine powerscaling wise.
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