Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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He's not strong enough to do it, he whipped him across the face and nothing snapped.
And Lucci wouldnt allow it either.

I am talking about King being the toughest being in the world, canonically. Not sure if you were aware of this but it is what it is.
If he can one-shot him on top of his Hardened sword and huge magma dragons, bet your ass that he can one-shot Kizaru who is nowhere close to as tough. :myman:
FIrst of all Zoro did not one shot King. It was an ext diff fight, your definition of one shot must be different.
And How is king "the toughest being in the world CANONICALLY"? Stop giving fake ass titles to characters like BigNewsMorgans lol.
Oda will never commit a huge blunder of making Zoro one shot a Top-tier like Kizaru. Have you not seen what Oda does? He makes Zoro One shot characters like Killer and Apoo 😭😭😭lol. He knows how far Zoro's ceiling goes.


Lead them to paradise.
Right, pushing people into Lava has been his thing instead since pre-TS... :sanmoji:
I knew you would bring up the lava thing, but its a death ( if hes dead) that we do not see. You cant compare it to seeing Luffy snap Luccis neck on panel lmao.

Hes demonstrated the strenght to be able to do it as Lucci straight up was helpless against Luffy and afterwards was so traumatized that he gave up on attacking Vegapunk altogether, only grew a set of balls when Luffy left to fight Kizaru.
Luffy, Sanji, Franky, Kuma, Bonney, the Giant Pirates, a robot from the ancient century that was able to attack Mariejoa

Yeah that got it
Zoro is gonna be at half hp after the extreme diff gucci fight. Lanji is Lanji. Kizaru and Saturn didn't even pay attention to him. Franky is the only one to do anything to saturn. The robot is fodder to kizaru. Giant pirates are outside. Bonney is weak and her pacifista are non factor to high tiers let alone top tiers. Kuma is shut down.

So goofy will have to beat saturn AND kizaru.

Ain't happening. they running away lol.

Kizaruber Eats

Waiting for the end.
But i read recently somewhere that Ryuma dies of old age or something. So probably not killed. Maybe the eye scar was from Ethan.
He died from illness IIRC. Makes me wonder if the Gorosei had some involvement in that somehow, since they couldnt defeat and kill him, as he repelled the WG from Wano singlehandely for ages? Or all that fighting made him exhausted and sick ultimately? God knows if we're ever gonna find out after the absolute butchering Oda has done with Zoro, Ryuuma, Wano and such now sigh.

I suspect his scar was from Ethan too.

There's also the unresolved phenomena of Zoro using blue flames vs Ryuuma too....

Ethanbaron is the Warrior God of Finance or w/e and Wano was known as the country of gold (Shadora is the city of gold too interestingly enough) so another reason to link Ethanbaron to there too.

Someone tried to insist to me and in general that he cant be from Wano due to his name "Ethanbaron" but his design is even inspired by Hideki Tojo, a former politician of Japan lol. His name is even "Nusjuro" a Japanese style name too. He has that V. part before the Nusjuro too which could end up being short for an important name or not too.

Welp yeah Ryuuma died from an unspecified illness at only 47 too.....damn.....:



Lead them to paradise.
Him and Drolta definitely did

The main big bad is pretty meh but I’m excited to see every other character in the plot, especially Alucard.
Oh I liked Drolta and she was fun but that was about it, she didnt have enough depth to her.

And yeah excited to see what Alucard does now. Looking forward to his interractions with the crew.
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