Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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@Pringles @Durableguy
I'd also like to remind you that the ancient robot must've started moving again since Luffy is in Nika mode and since the invaders are the Strongest army having the ancient robot clear out the fleet would dehype the Giants, so narrative wise it would make no sense to have the ancient robot fight the fleet.

Two options imo. The robot is solely used to escape the island and or the robot stalls Saturn until Luffy has defeated Kizaru so that he can get back in time to deal the finishing blow (Bajrang stamp). Luffy would be fighting both at the same time.
Thoughts on the Ancient Robot being a Giant from the past that, like Franky and Kuma, became a cyborg, but, like Franky in his bad timeline, became a full on robot?

I've wondered if the Ancient Robot was turned into a robot BY Saturn (like Kuma), and invaded Mary Geoise to try to get back at Saturn.
You are doing mental gymnastics at this point.

I advise you to read the definition of a shonen and what the "damsel in distress" narrative device means.

You are imagining random scenarios that can't happen in that context.

We know how Oda writes this story from previous arcs, it's always the same narrative device and the manga is a shonen.
Okay but you’re also ignoring what’s happening in the story… You are ignoring that Saturn already said Bonney has to get stronger from seeing Nika… you are ignoring the 50 pacifista… you are ignoring that we still don’t know how Kuma can move meaning there’s nothing stopping him from restarting and punching Saturn again

I mean if your argument is that “This is how Oda wrote the previous arcs” then there’s the obvious issue in your argument that there’s many more different things this arc than before

1. there are no henchmen this arc… There is no Doffy family or beast pirates that everyone but Luffy can fight

2. there’s two significant villains this arc… Interestingly enough, whenever this happens, Oda makes it a point to spotlight the person who beats the other villain… in punk hazard, Law beat Vergo who was stronger than Caeser who Luffy beat… this is the only time in the story that another person beat the strongest villain (except that time Zoro did it)… And in Wano, Luffy beat Kaido and got 3 billion berries, but Law and kid beat Big mom and got 6 billion berries for that (even this this was stupid, it still happened)

3. Bonney is clearly the most competent fighter among the “damsels in distress”… Like you are missing the part where the damsels are all weaklings in every other arc… Bonney is not only already competent, she’s directly set up to get MORE POWERFUL as the arc progresses… And not only that, her power up is directly already connected to the defeat of Saturn… Bonney is getting the Nika power up… the thing that’s implied to be Saturn’s downfall
I'm merely stating facts

Lee admitted his mistake when it was undeniable that the scans were proven fake, something you never did and will never do. I don't know why you get so hung over this shit as if nobody ever got fooled by fake scans beforehand

Bad luck, I did point out that the scans looked off and later attacked the idiots that were insulting sandman when he said these pages didn't exist

Gaslighting doesn't work with me.
Lol why the fuck is Durablepuppy so obsessed with Lee and Fake Scans.:kobeha:

Most people moved on from that but for some weird reason Durablepuppy can't.
Commanders are neg/easy diffed by admirals, every single time they tried to fight admirals, they got destroyed.

How many more times will oda need to showcase it in order for you guys to understand?
No one said that they should beat him
Luffy was down, it was the perfect opportunity to protect their captain until he comes back
+ Zoro and Sanji are stronger than YC1 and YC2 combo
They’re one level above it
The good thing is that Zoro vs Lucci is a great match up and has a similar purpose
They morph their body so the haki attack doesn't connect, same thing Katakuri did.

It does according to Katakuri. Oda didn't put that sentence in for no reason.
They don't need future sight to turn into their element before an attack hits.

With basic CoO they can achieve the same results. Nothing that the admirals have done implied that they have future sight.
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