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This chapter just makes blackbeard the endgame villian than Imu because saturn got touched by Devon that possible infiltration will happen and Karibou knows about the whereabouts of the ancient weapons.

But since Saturn got touched that is plotwise death flags for him this chapter since it might be hard to fool the gorosei if two saturns are there and considering kizaru is his tag team partner against luffy and sanji. It might be lights out for kizaru but if it isn't he might report to the gorosei that saturrn got killed.
Vegapunk tells Bonney that he's been a doctor long enough to know that with the extent of his injuries if his body is moved then he'll die. But I don't know how he thinks being in the middle of an Admirals battle with a Yonko is somehow safer for his health.
It isn't but carrying him would be futile and would just speed up his death
He resigned to his fate here and wants to stay back and at least see Nika in action (and his lab being destroyed in front of him lol)

At least it looks like that is what Oda went for here

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Board game cafes are peak. I used to go to one regularly in the past during uni years, I was also playing board games with my uni friends between classes (UNO is peak). What is your favorite game?

Who do you think will be the orange admiral?

Ah yeah? Thats awesome! I keep meaning to join some weekly/monthly groups at one of my local ones, I also want to try the other BG club as apparently its much better, staff are much friendler and more keen to help and play with you if needed and such. The one my friends insist on going to has really become mid at best, very awkward atmosphere but it can have pretty nice food at times. But the atmosphere feels very unpleasant and awkward there most of the time and some of the games tend to be in a bit of rough condition too.

Ahaha, I used to see UNO on my TV all the time, the one advert where you had the machine shooting out cards at everyone round a table or something, thats nostalgic lol.

Favourite games, I'm not sure, I've always loved Mouse Trap as a child but I bought a modern version of it and it was so clunky and awkward to setup, not a reliable and thus enjoyable quality. I did the same with Kerplunk which I never got to try before and its modern build is also very rough, clunky and unreliable. Very disappointing.

I bought Mouse Trap on my phone, after some google play discount or credit I had, I got it down to like 10 pence or something silly like that, after it was like £1.99 or £2.99 or something? Its surprisingly decent and much better than that crappy modern physical version of it, no obnoxious ad spam or grinding for shit or energy systems or anything, just a complete game I can play with friends, random people I think or by myself vs bots, so I'm quite happy about that at least.

I've got one called Ubongo! which is like a physical/real version of Tetris somehow but yet to play it lmao. I used to love this one traffic moving tiles puzzle game called Rush Hour, a real brainteaser of a game.

I used to love my Pokemon Monopoly game when I was a kid too, that is really nostalgic and iconic for me.

I like Cluedo but only ever played it alone and digitally too so RIP lmao. I like Boggle, word games generally, Scrabble too naturally and such.

I'd say my favourite right now is probably Tsuro, which is really simple and nice, you have tiles with all these different shaped pathways that connect in many unique ways and you have to move your pieces along the grid of tiles, along the pathways, putting one tile down each turn and trying to trick your friends or whoever to either go straight off the map by no choice when they have to move their pieces or even collide into each other and take each other out, its a great game, very simple but very fun and addictive.

I also really like Othello or Go and a bit of Mahjong and Draughts/Checkers. I've never been a big fan of Chess and would never play it now except this game called Shotgun Chess on Steam for example lmao.

This version looks a little different than the one I play, it must be a newer version as we dont have "Dragon tiles" with the one we play. The sea based spinoff it sounds awesome too, need to look out for that too now!

I forgot theres a similar game called @Indigo lmao:

Also speaking of board games with similar names to ours, I tried a digital version of a game called Tokaido on Steam and its great! Very quaint, beautiful, relaxing, charming game, although a lot simpler than the actual board game I believe? @MonsterKaido :

The trailer music for this game goes HARD too, absolutely epic and chilling stuff, love it! A beautiful, stunning art style too! Its so simple and fun to play too, the digital version at least!

Look what I found too!:

But yeah in regards to the orange admiral, to keep things simple, I think it will be a new character or I wanted it to be Drake somehow eventually (RIP to those hopes lmao).

Their abilities would need to be of orange colour somehow too though, gravity can be portrayed as purple coded so Fujitora gets away with it but with an orange admiral, I really struggled to assign a power that is orange themed, powerful enough or for an admiral and fits the themes the admirals have going on with their elemental/natural forces of power or w/e too. There was a theory a LONG time ago that the Admirals powers are based on theories on what wiped out the dinosaurs too. This was before Green Bulls reveal too especially. Green Bull was theorised to have radiation/energy powers or time related or even an ancient/mythical Zoan instead.

We've yet to see an Admiral with a Zoan too so an Ancient or Mythical Zoan would do nicely and could potentially help fit the orange colour scheme somehow, if only a little or loosely even.

My idea was the orange admiral would have an energy logia as that would fit the theme of the admirals powers, it would be extremely versatile, powerful (pun intended) and extremly hype and dare I say "energetic" to see too lmao. Kinda like an Admiral version of Enel meets Kidds fruit and potentially Burgess and Bettys fruits too.

An Energy Logia Admiral (Or Paramecia at least) could harness any kind of energy potentially from life, to kinetic, potential, gravitional, magnetic/electromagnetic, thermal, nuclear etc, IMMENSE potential easily.

I had them being a gunslinger as we need more top tiers who use guns and having one in the Marines who are in DESPERATE need of one would be perfect, have them specialise in fighting and nullifying DF users with seastone bullets o or using haki, maybe make them a martial artist instead or even both that and gunslinging so we can get gun kata too and also they can be masters at both long and close range, like Beckmann should be for example ofc. In fact it would be hilarious if said Admiral knew Beckmann and even others in Shanks crew including Shanks himself maybe or even Roger and his crew.

I actually wanted to joke the Orange Admiral should be Namis mother or father at least, how hilariously fitting would that be? Even better if it was mother, not only because we'd get a female Admiral finally BUT Nami had her adoptive mother Belle-mere a Marine ofc. PARALLELS SON! (AND NANOMACHINES!)

Their personality could be a chaotic neutral or true neutral but given their colours are a mix of Red and Yellow so Akainu and Kizaru, they could be really unpredictable and yet exciteable and hot headed, which would coincide PERFECTLY if they have energy related powers especially ofc!

Although Admirals tend to contrast their powers too, Fujitora is extremely humble yet has the power to make others kneel and collapse before him easily and crush them with literal overwhelming, gravity/pressure, Kuzan is the master of cold and ice and yet has a warm heart generally, Akainu is hot headed and a living volcano but hes cold hearted as fuck, Green Bull has a fruit that can be themed with being both inactive/docile and very gentle, but he represents the more aggressive, mericless, indiscriminate and predatory side of nature instead.

Thank you for asking me about the board games and the orange admiral, I really enjoyed talking about this and I appreciate it and feel honoured!



The fact that we're at a point in the story where readers hype up an antagonist for taking a 2v1 against the SHs is absolutely insane to me.
Oda sucks Zoro off enough already. If it's not enough for you then I'm sorry, Zoro isn't the main character. He's subjugated by him and will always fight No.2's because he himself is No.2

He's done enough.
Oda doesnt give Zoro shit. It's all empty portrayal baiting. Zoro's feats have never been impressive compared to the characters that drive the manga. Zoro cuts steel like Luffy wasny breaking steel swords with his bare hands on the very first episode. He cuts Kaidou like yc2 oden wasnt allready bringing Kaidou tp the floor amd luffys base Ryou punch didnt put him on his ass.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Vegapunk tells Bonney that he's been a doctor long enough to know that with the extent of his injuries if his body is moved then he'll die. But I don't know how he thinks being in the middle of an Admirals battle with a Yonko is somehow safer for his health.
Worlds Smartest Man/Best Scientist strikes again! This is the power of the Brain Brain fruit and decades of knowledge no other human could collect and store!

Seriously though, I got the feeling he wants to die, that he was saying that on purpose as an excuse so they could leave him behind and save themselves, he wouldn't drag them down and be a burden, risking screwing them over and he can punish himself and atone for his sins by death.

He's going through a Frankensteins Monster type situation here too after all. Well more also the whole Einstein, Oppenheimer, Atomic Bomb stuff too ofc.

It still pisses me off that Shaka is supposedly dead, just killed off unceremoniously like that and we never even saw under his helmet, he seemed to be human as he seemed to bleed when shot, unless hes an android or something? Or maybe he was just a robot and leaking oil when shot? /s
Shaka was so wasted man, the coolest and best Punk too, typical. Smartest too even.


⚓𝒫𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝑒𝓃𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓊⚓
I think this chapter has my favorite gear 5 scene so far, it has the perfect combination of goofiness and seriousness with Luffy finally liberating Bonney with a serious attack while still mantaining a cheerful personality.
It was very satisfting. I think I'm starting to become a godfy top one person:crazwhat:
Join us my brother
I think this chapter has my favorite gear 5 scene so far, it has the perfect combination of goofiness and seriousness with Luffy finally liberating Bonney with a serious attack while still mantaining a cheerful personality.
It was very satisfting. I think I'm starting to become a godfy top one person:crazwhat:
G5 is great when used as a sort of "Cavalry" moment where the tides turn on the bad guys honestly.
I think the main concern people have with it is when we come to a situation where it would be more satisfying to see Luffy angry and/or serious, like if he fights Akainu.


It's crazy how Caribou's purpose has been built up since the return to Sabaody and is finally about to pay off :usoprice:
And it was so underwhelmingly connected to BB, instead of some other obscure otherworthly new character like many expected.