Theyre going to fucking use Pudding to read one of the Goroseis minds arent they....
Holy shit I didnt read the word use there at first and almost screamed/yelled out loud lmfao.

Thats a very legit possibility too, damn! I love the idea that Pudding will be used to read Garps mind and get everything they can on Xebec, the Marines, the WG, Imu potentially (although im assuming Garp doesnt know about Imu ofc), Gorosei, Akainu etc. Even Roger and Shanks possibly?
But most important on Xebec and Gods Valley ofc! Rocks Pirates and such...
Also to think of it, if Perona hasnt found Moria and escaped, she will not only be a PRIME target for Catarina to behead BUT her fruit could be extremely useful for the infilitration nature of the BBP and maybe they force her to help them, threatening to kill Moria if she doesnt comply or they threaten Moria to force her to help them or they will kill her?
Perona could easily provide amazing recon for them with flying and being able to phase through walls plus her fruit will be extremely good for nullifying masses of people up to a certain level of strength, I mean she negged all the SHs at Thriller Bark except Usop ofc!