You are still coping with Mihawk's comment on Luffy's dream... lol
We can easily check whose dream is harder - Has anyone reached Raftel and found the treasure before? Yes, Joyboy and Roger.
Has anyone beaten Mihawk? Nope, not a single one.

You still havent realized that every SH dream is impossible to do.
Beating Mihawk is also impossible but yall keep coping that Zoro's dream is an exception.
You continue to cope with Luffy stronger than anyone else to protect his friends... He cant protect shit, Vegapunk just died on his watch.
Zoro has to save his life because he himself cant save his own let alone that of others. The narrative fools Luffy worshipers over and over again.
Luffy isnt the only one who could beat Kaido, Doffy or whoever. Zoro was always capable of it with less difficulty than Luffy. Zoro low diffs Hody while Luffy died trying.
I seriously hope Oda does put Luffy and Zoro into a serious fight just to see all the cope. I can guarantee you one thing, Luffy wont win.
Wrong over and over again, I literally did predict all of Luffy's Ls against Kaido making my assessment of his strength superior to all others who couldnt do the same and ZKK cant help you change that fact.
What you seemingly fail to understand, which is why you'd be an awful author if you ever tried to write anything, is that everything you believe is plainly stupid from a storytelling point of view.
If Lufy wasn't the only one who could beat Kaidou, then Kaidou loses everything as an antagonist because:
1) Joy Boy was the one meant to defeat Kaidou and free Wano twenty years after Oden's death, and Kaidou himself predicted Joy Boy to be the person capable of dethroning him, so if you make Zoro, who isn't Joy Boy, also able to defeat him even more easily than Joy Boy himself, then you destroy the whole narrative behind Kaidou (the sad boy) and his only nemesis Luffy (the joy boy). In case you didn't notice, Kaidou's whole character is built as a reflection of Joy Boy's; meanwhile, any connection you tried to make between Zoro and Kaidou leading to ZKK ended up as the greatest joke in this community.
2) Momonosuke assumes they're all doomed if Luffy can't defeat Kaidou and Yamato states that no one but Luffy can do such thing. I'm sorry, was Momonosuke relaxed because they still had Zoro anyways? I'm sorry, did Yamato say that also Zoro could defeat Kaidou? Yeah, I thought so.
3) Kaidou's level of threat significantly decreases if there's another good guy who not only can defeat him but can do so more easily than the main character; and this applies to pretty much every main villain. If we follow your point of view, which again any storyteller would find stupid, the stakes in Luffy versus Kaidou would go significantly down because it doesn't matter if Luffy fails to defeat Kaidou as we still have a stronger fighter than Luffy to put Kaidou down. The strongest villain is the strongest threat to be defeated by the strongest good guy.
4) Zoro's chance against Kaidou resulted in Zoro getting frustrated because he couldn't even knock him down in spite of putting everything he had behind his last assault, and Kaidou pitying him by saying that should be enough for him. Meanwhile, Kaidou sees in Luffy the people he deems strong enough to fight him, Kaidou recognizes Luffy as an equal and a fighter capable of going toe to toe with him after many years, and ultimately Kaidou is defeated by Luffy, not Zoro, as only Joy Boy could achieve such thing.
Also, not every Straw Hat dream is impossible to do. Sanji's is fully based on faith because there's no actual proof that All Blue is a real thing, so is Chopper's because there's no support for a panacea to exist; Robin's is possible because there's a history to discover, Nami's is possible because the whole world can indeed be mapped, Franky's is possible because the Oro Jackson already circumnavigated the world (only difference is Tom wasn't onboard), Brook's is possible because he simply needs to meet Laboon as he finally crosses Red Line again, Usopp's is possible since it is related to his own subjective growth as a person, Jinbe's is possible because ending systemic racism is a difficult but achievable task...; and Zoro's is possible because first, becoming Pirate King is achievable yet harder than surpassing Mihawk (per his own words, I dont' care what facts you want to ignore here) and, second, Mihawk isn't the first World's Strongest Swordsman nor will be the last, plus Mihawk himself trained Zoro as he sees his own defeat as a real possibility. Mihawk hasn't been defeated yet for obvious reasons (he's the goal of one of the main characters), but just like Laugh Tale has been reached before, the World's Strongest Swordsman title changed hands before; and, anyways, Luffy's dream isn't Pirate King but something still unknown and seemingly even harder than becoming the conqueror atop conquerors, which is what Roger was as king of all pirates.
At the end of the day, your delusional mind is perfectly described by this:
Zoro low diffs Hody while Luffy died trying.
Any sane person understands that, first, the Hody who fought Luffy was significantly stronger because he boosted himself with steroids; and second, Luffy defeated Hody underwater in spite of being a devil fruit user. But since you are dishonest to an extent of insanity and can't think rationally when it comes to Zoro (probably in other regards since an irrational person tends to be irrational overall), you dare to compare Non-user Zoro vs Base Hody with User Luffy vs Steroid Hody.
As if they were remotely the same.
What a sad fellow you are. Waiting for the future where Luffy defeats the strongest threat the world has ever seen yet you still say Zoro would have done so more rapidly, but instead needed to stick to his routine of somehow growing stronger than Luffy by defeating subpar enemies who were significantly weaker than Luffy's throughout three decades.