Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

Should we open the chapter discussion thread for the iffy translation?

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Damn the Zolo bois have been dying from feat starvation haven't they


You get 1 chapter of beating Luffy's sloppy seconds and you all ejaculate together


When Zoro beating Kizaru though?

Kizaru was completely clean (and casual) after facing Snakeman,
So was he after almost an entire round of G5 til he decided to chase after VP (only from that point Luffy managed to lean a clean hit)
How is that fodder Slowro who needed an entire hour to land a clean hit on Stussy sloppy seconds is anything but a neg diff material to Kizaru?

you're such a massive retard @ShishioIsBack
Snake man is fodder Lucci one shots
Same with Lucci, only difference is Lucci wasn't running away and it took Luffy 3 hits for Lucci after equal clash and Lucci managed to nearly kill Santomaru in Luffys presence WHILE Kizaru was one shot forever with one attack
Slowroo kills Kizaru in one hit if he defeats Lucci in one hit who is far more durable than Kizaru

Now now little boy calm down..things will get better
Just stop being an admiral fan and Zoro downplayed because that's what masochists do.

Now look at you losing your shit
Bad mouthing me

When I have just calmly showed how you pathetically and depressingly weak admirals are to Luffy and Zoro 🥰
That is how things work.

You determine the difficulty of battle based on how much power they used compared to how much overall power they possess. Kaido would have a much harder time beating a YC1 character while only fighting in base mode and not using ACoC than he would if he used more or all his power. Does that mean Kaido is YC1+ just because he had a harder time beating an opponent while using less power? Of course not. That is what you are claiming and you are wrong.

You determine how much difficulty Zoro has in battle based on the number of swords he used the majority of the time, how much power he uses, and the sword-style techniques he uses. There's a difference between Zoro beating an opponent while using 2 swords the majority of the time and using only one sword-style technique compared to Zoro using 3 swords the majority of the time and using two or three sword-style techniques.

There's a difference between Zoro using 2 or 3 swords compared to Zoro using a 2 or 3 sword style. Zoro explained that to us when he faced the cat brother. Zoro went from struggling against the cat brothers to beating them with one attack.

It's true that the strength of Zoro sword-style techniques is not determined by the number of swords they use. But that is not the case when it comes to determining Zoro's power level based on the number of swords he uses. Zoro using 3 swords is stronger than Zoro using 2 swords. Zoro using 2 swords is stronger than Zoro using 1 sword. As I said, swords, not sword styles.

The order from strongest to weakest goes:
9 swords: peak power level
3 swords: main power level
2 swords, casual power level
1 swords
0 swords

You talk about Killer telling Zoro things would have been different if he had his punisher blades. Yet, you left out Zoro's response, where he stated it would have been the same regardless. That's the truth because Zoro didn't use a single 2 or 1 sword-style technique against Killer like he did when he faced zombie Ryuma and was limited to only using 2 swords.

Whenever we see Zoro using 2 swords, the majority of the time he's facing a character who's nowhere close to his level, and once he stops playing around, he beats them. It happened to Hody, Monet, Pica, Hawkins, Killer, and Apoo. Lucci falls into the same category. He's just another opponent used to stall Zoro and show off Zoro's strength.

Zoro's fight against King placed him in the top tier, not YC1+. King is a YC1 who's harder to damage than Kaido or BM. Even internal destruction attacks can't hurt him in his flame mode, as proven when Lucci and Luffy failed to hurt S-Bear with their internal destruction attacks. Luffy compared S-Bear to Kaido because of King's lunarian powers.

After Zoro mastered enma and obtained ACoC, he was dominating the battle against the king and had a king on the run. Zoro was clashing against King with a normal CoA haki-coated sword, and King couldn't overpower him. He beat King with 3 attacks. 1 nameless attack, 1 low-end technique, and 1 high-end technique. Even his high-end technique was nothing more than a KoH dragon-style ultra-tiger hunt, a mid-level technique. He never used asura mode or any high-end techniques with KoH or dragon style.

2 swords Zoro is YC1, because that's what the manga is showing us against Lucci. Lucci is a YC1 who's fighting Zoro at peak power, and I can't overpower Zoro's two swords and control the battle. Zoro forces Lucci to go from being confident he could kill all the SH to being happy he can stall 2 swords.

No, that's not true. You determine the fight as it goes with their power level at that level. You don't scale the character there; you scale the fight. If X character holds back and fights with someone like that and goes extreme diff or high diff with that state, then it was a high diff fight. You dont go around and create headcanons about it would be low diff if he used other powers he was holding back even if that would be the case. because you don't scale the character; you scale the fight over there.

Again, you literally do not understand. "Majority" of the time doesn't exist because you only have 4 panels of zoro. He used his 3 swords, and Zoro switched up his sword style during the fights a lot and fought like that. means Zoro was using both 3-2-1 against Lucci because thats literally how he fights.

You say Zoro fought the cat brothers with two, then one shot them with three, but Zoro already used 3 swords; why didn't he one-shot Lucci this time? Your statement literally contradicts how the fight got. With your idea, Zoro should've already one shot Lucci when he used 3 swords but didn't. Your statement would be true if we never saw Zoro using 3 swords.

AGAIN, Zoro already used 3 swords. He switches up a lot in fights; this statement holds if Zoro never used 3 swords and only fought with 2 swords, but he already used them.

I already told you that Zoro can reach his peak with 3 swords only. I'm not trying to argue with that, as you can clearly read (you can right?). The problem is that you guys act like Zoro never fought Lucci with 3 swords and only used 2, which is braindead and literally false. Zoro is switching his sword numbers when fighting, and he was already using 3 swords.

Bro, can you read (yeah no you cant)? You couldn't even understand why I made that point, wtf? I already said it wouldn't change anything, and you're literally here saying the same thing as me. I directly wrote about how that didn't matter and it would end the same way. It was an example, bro, the fuck.

None of those characters made Zoro huff or made him tell them how though they were in a fair 1v1. Your argument isn't an argument.

When Zoro can hurt someone and has the speed to hit them, it will end with just 1-3 hits, bro. Not everyone is as tanky as Kaido, Big Mom, or other top tiers that have insane durability.

Zoro used 3 sword already bro wtf. He is literally using it right there. Just because he changed his sword (which he does a lot), that doesn't mean he is only fighting with 2.

You guys keep saying "2 sword" while he was already fighting with 3 in the beginning, and because he changed now, its suddenly "only 2."

Nvm bro why even I'm trying to talk to you while you literally can't understand what I wrote and repeat the same thing I said in my previous comment. This is literally my fault. Go on, bro.
Or maybe Teach is just too cautious and doesn't pick fights where he'd need to exert effort.

Case in point running away at commands of Old and Rusty Rayleigh??
Lmao. Pathetic excuse.

The Admiral disrespected the captain in front of his crew, putting hands on his subordinate and the only thing Teach came up with is to apologise and beg Kuzan to join his crew ?

Yep clear cut portrayal of Oda showing how Yonkou are superior to Admiral

Seems like Teach, Luffy and Zoro share the same fear of the Navy Admirals.
Lmao. Pathetic excuse.

The Admiral disrespected the captain in front of his crew, putting hands on his subordinate and the only thing Teach came up with is to apologise and beg Kuzan to join his crew ?

Yep clear cut portrayal of Oda showing how Yonkou are superior to Admiral

Seems like Teach, Luffy and Zoro share the same fear of the Navy Admirals.
Yeah this all sounds nice and pretty but at the end of the day Aokiji is officially Teachs spit shoe shiner 🤣
Before ZKKtards: Zolo fighting Kizaru
After ZKKtards: Zolo finally beat Lucci extreme-diff we are happy with this.
I know yeah the bar this arc was Kizaru but now they are just thirsty for anything.

It's like a dweeb who thinks he can pull a girl 10/10 but gets rejected time and time again and finally has to settle for the 3/10


Zolo bros we'll let you have this W despite the extreme diff and 17 chapters it took to do it. In the meantime Luffy put Kizaru down twice and spun Jay Garcia like a beyblade for fun.
Fans are coping more over Zoro than the rooftop.

Nobody should be surprised. We all knew Zoro would beat Lucci with 1 attack once plot was ready for him to move on. Maybe if fan spent more time understanding the manga instead of telling us flashback chapters are included in the length of the battle they would be more prepared for this chapter.
Kizaru was completely clean (and casual) after facing Snakeman,
So was he after almost an entire round of G5 til he decided to chase after VP (only from that point Luffy managed to lean a hit)
How is that fodder Slowro who needed an entire hour to land a clean hit on Stussy sloppy seconds is anything but a neg diff material to Kizaru?

you're such a massive retard @ShishioIsBack
@Fleet Leader Fenaker can you deal with this out of control Monkey for me with your expertise of panels and specific moments?
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