Yes, this is just another way to escape, another alternative for Luffy.
This is where we disagree, he is able to do this easily.
We saw Luffy in the last chapter and he is in his normal form and not giant, even if the worm is bigger than Kaidou I don't understand how that would help him? A blow from Adcoc would rupture it from the inside out, Luffy doesn't automatically turn everything he touches into rubber I guess, he has control over that.
What do you expect a worm to do physically? LOL
For me, the actions he can do are very limited and swallowing someone is the easiest alternative to predict in his move set.
That doesn't mean that just because he did it means it would work, Goroseis can give certain privileges and have certain riches that people normally wouldn't have because of this so-called "immortality/super regeneration", so risking eating Luffy while running the risk of having his body exploded from the inside out is something they would do.