ACoC attacks/slashes probably which are capable of overpowering the durability/hax given by DFs.
Yes, that seems quite obvious now... I wasn't impressed with Nusjuro's feats either, although the crowd seems excited about it. Moving swiftly over great distances is something we've seen several top-tier individuals do. For example, Luffy, in Gear 4, could return to Onigashima quickly after being expelled from the island by Kaidou. The same goes for Gear 5, which has demonstrated this ability multiple times. Big Mom, with Zeus, swiftly reached the top after her "fight" with Marco, which happened outside of Onigashima. Shanks vs Kid and Killer, so it's not particularly impressive. Cutting down Pacifistas that are distracted and strictly following orders to attack navy ships isn't a notable feat either; it's essentially attacking stationary statues. I want to see him clash with Zoro; that's when I'll raise my expectations.