@Sir Yasheen @Paperchampion23 @Lee Ba Shou @MarineHQ @MonsterZoro @MonochromeYoru @Kurozumi Wiwi @EmperorKinyagi @Shiroyru i already discovered the Final War match ups
- Imu and Akainu vs Luffy
- Luffy brings Akainu to his side and Akainu feeds Luffy with food.
- Luffy, Akainu and Dragon vs Imu
- Dorry, Brogy and Loki and Giant Robot vs 5 Gorosei
- EOS Zoro gets stalled by Guernica
- Zoro uses KOH+ACoC-Kokuto+Asura on Guernica but Guernica keeps standing up
- Giants vs Holy Knights
- the other SHs keep watching
- Nika free the world
- end