Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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We need to see the raws and dialogue, sounds like Oda wanted to show Zoro's much stronger than Lucci but also wanted to give Lucci his flowers.

So he had Zoro casually blitz/one-shot him, but kept Lucci on his feet to save face. The spoiler clearly says Zoro vs Lucci has finished, which means Lucci was unable to fight anymore. If all he can do is remain standing but can no longer fight, that's a one-shot.

Then Oda had Jinbe blow him away so he could meet Mars and show his human side by caring for Kaku whilst praising Lucci again.

Sounds like a win for all sides - Lucci fans get characterisation and praise from a top-tier, Zoro fans get satisfaction knowing he bodied Lucci, Jinbe fans get screen time and a new move.
Topman feats only apply to Topman, Saturn had way more screen time and his showings/portrayal aren't 1/10 as good as Topman first move
I wouldn't be that quick with the judgement tbh.

Yes, Saturn's showings are piss poor but technically, all Gorosei are relative to each other, otherwise it wouldn't remotely make sense if there are entire gaps in strength between them all.
We need to see the raws and dialogue, sounds like Oda wanted to show Zoro's much stronger than Lucci but also wanted to give Lucci his flowers.

So he had Zoro casually blitz/one-shot him, but kept Lucci on his feet to save face. The spoiler clearly says Zoro vs Lucci has finished, which means Lucci was unable to fight anymore. If all he can do is remain standing but can no longer fight, that's a one-shot.

Then Oda had Jinbe blow him away so he could meet Mars and show his human side by caring for Kaku whilst praising Lucci again.

Sounds like a win for all sides - Lucci fans get characterisation and praise from a top-tier, Zoro fans get satisfaction knowing he bodied Lucci, Jinbe fans get screen time and a new move.
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