Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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I ain't Accepting my L until I see the Raws.
Y'all can cope as much as you want.
I ain't going into Hiding.

Zoro won the Clash.
Spoiler literally says Zoro vs Lucci has ended and Zoro came out as clear victor.
Oda still respect lucci enough to give him a good send off with a wb moment when he is defeated. an awakened zoan is left paralyzed and shock minutes after zoro 1 serious attack, that is zoros hype.
This whole gimmick of characters asking who Nika is and Luffy not having a clue IS NOT FUNNY ODA
i like it as part of the plot. i see it like everyone knows about all this prophecy shit EXCEPT luffy, who has been set up as a person who hates spoilers and prophecies. if Luffy finds out he's supposed to be some other guy, that's going to be a conflict for Luffy, because it's like he's being forced into something he doesn't care about or want to be a part of.

Ju Peter being a sandworm convinced me because the idea of forcing a prophecy is part of the plot of Dune
Egghead is like a dream come true for zoro Stan’s
  1. 2v1 hawk with no conclusion
  2. Confirmed he can’t hurt flame on lunarians and king was just dumb and cocky
  3. Stussy beat kaku for him
  4. Zoro didn’t get revenge on kizaru and beat an admiral
  5. Spent multiple chapters fighting Lucci being called a liability the whole time
  6. Used koh/green smoke mode
  7. Didn’t oneshot lucci
  8. Likely won’t fight/beat nusjuro
  9. Warcury is the strongest gorosei
  10. Kizaru has a good chance of embarrassing all 5 gorosei nusjuro included
Zoro vs kizaru
Zoro vs nesujuro
Zoro oneshittwd lucci...Lucci is done for
Zoro can beat flames on Seraphims/lunarians
Zoro AP too string
Zoro will KO/beat Kaku

All dead
the crew needs training in next arc. i think its probably a time for oda to finally do this. it doesnt have to be on screen, he's done short 1 week/near 1 month timeskips in wano before. we might get like a 6 month or whatever montage in elbaf if its actually a secure place to hide from the govt.

Robin needs to read those books, a lot of the crew needs haki training, it would be a good place for it.

I'm wondering if possibly the crew makes it to Elbaf without Luffy, and Luffy ends up in fucking space or something on the giant robot.

I need the full summary but It seems the crew is escaping without Luffy, you could be right about the last point
The Egghead arc has been a total drag for me. Everything's been a letdown. Yonko crew, seriously? I'm still ticked off that Sanji just ended up running around the whole arc and couldn't even protect Stella. Now it's all about Nika... the crew just doesn't seem important anymore.
Probably cause Jinbei is there to break it up. This was predictable, Oda established Zoro's superiority before calling the fight off but Lucci is still Lucci afterall, he's not going down that easy.
Oda needed Jinbe there so that he could fight Lucci while Zoro fights Mars
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