Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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Hmm, if VP really did trick the Gorosei into thinking the source of the stream was in Egghead, and it was actually somewhere else, he might be the goat of this arc.
Maybe he's a genius after all...
We actually see top tiers doing cool things and not holding back and being menacing and the fandom just arguing about zoro and lucci, the OP fandom is not salvageable
It's either discussing about badasses like Zoro and Lucci or about Luffy using unlimited reality bending to play baseball with top tiers attacks and destroy three of them simultaneously with zero effort.
Look, there is nothing that hard to understand 2 possibility: Lucci is bitter or Lucci even after clashing with G5 wasnt that impress with Luffy performance and during the clash with Zori changed his mind:kayneshrug:
For the latter, why would clashing with Zolo change his mind? Think about it. If he thought Luffy wasn't that strong, it would take clashing with someone strong to think that Luffy was actually strong? How does that make any sense? Please make it make sense
zoro 100% would defeat lucci but the question is, why he took so much and still did not defeat, if zoro said he didn't defeat, zoro words is what matter
Zoro is as stubborn as Lucci is. As long as Lucci refused to fall down, even if he couldn't move, Zoro would have accepted him seriously as an opponent.

At this point it was just egos, the fight was decided.

No real explanation about how it took him so long to win given how easily he utterly destroyed him in a single move last week.
Wow man, I'm so jealous. Enjoy married life while I get what you have but from multiple different girls and I'm still single. Weird to flex that you have a wife, as if that's something impossible to have
:suresure: bro is getting so mad bc i shit on his fav fictional character

Look at how hard ur going its funny af

typical sub 70 iq behavior

This you?



Kaido got gorosei scared, shanks wi fi diffed greenbull in manga and Kizaru alongside fujitora in movie.

Luffy pancaked kizaru... akainu and aokiji are the only hope left
How did Zoro own Luffy?
:risitasad: Damn with just armament he did my boy this dirty .

probably @MarineHQ knows which case shows he fought a Yonko 💀
@Geo @CbShadow @HeroesNZ @Sentinel @MarineHQ
what armament does to people using a technique below Onigiri :usoprice:

@CbShadow @Geo @Cruxroux a basic santoryu technique stage 1 made an awakened zoan marked and his life hanging on a thread

@MarineHQ :shocking::shocking:
I mean just look at the aftermath Fuji. Luffy's three named G5 hits versus one named attack from Zoro and he even got a speed feat equal to Nika dodging Lucci's named attack casually.
I think Dorry and Brogys second attack might be translated differently.

The first one - Svalin/Svalinn - is from Norse mythology apparently so that is likely correct.

The second one - Skylda - could be correct in Norwegian, Danish or Icelandic but in Swedish (my native tongue) the closest words would be Skölda (to protect with a shield) or Skilja (to separate).

I guess someone that can read the original can help out.
I don't have a favourite fictional character. I like One Piece, that's all. Claiming I'm mad after you were the one to bring up the fact that you have a wife? Yikes, someone's insecure.
bro just said "i have multiple girls"

yeah aight stfu :suresure: hypocrite

u were the one who responded tho
so mustve hit the nerve, i didnt know u existed til now
It's either discussing about badasses like Zoro and Lucci or about Luffy using unlimited reality bending to play baseball with top tiers attacks and destroy three of them simultaneously with zero effort.
Destroy them? Read the manga bruv. Literally regenerated without effort. Unfazed. 5 top tiers with kaido tier durability and immortal. Even Luffy's scared and wants to run away which is a first!
@ConquistadoR explain why Loda had to do that....
I very simple term Lucci sitll had to deliver the information to Mars that why left Lucci in that state
So now we using 4th wall, outside manga explanations like "Oda wanted to stall" and "Oda wanted to give Mars information". Powerscaling works in-verse only, you can't just bring up the author. Otherwise anyone can just say "Well Oda this Oda that"
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