Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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Luffy fanboys can cope all they want but Nika lethality this arc is dog shit and we have no choice but to hype the guy in front durability stats because of it . Luffy can't keep someone down to save his life . Normally when this dude get you out ,you are out for days.
Kizaru is looking like kaido right now in dura for god sake this is hilarious . Even the navy are like wait bro but where are your injuries ?
Remember Kaido needed 1 free hits on luffy or Oden to end them ? Yet kizaru keep getting back up and if it wasnt for vegapunk he would still be righ tin front of luffy trolling his as s .
SO yes Luffy your attack power went to 10 out of 100 this arc and this is a realy bad look for you but also kaido and all yonkos .
Luffy fanboys can cope all they want but Nika lethality this arc is dog shit and we have no choice but to hype the guy in front durability stats because of it . Luffy can't keep someone down to save his life . Normally when this dude get you out ,you are out for days.
Kizaru is looking like kaido right now in dura for god sake this is hilarious . Even the navy are like wait bro but where are your injuries ?
Remember Kaido needed 1 free hits on luffy or Oden to end them ? Yet kizaru keep getting back up and if it wasnt for vegapunk he would still be righ tin front of luffy trolling his as s .
SO yes Luffy your attack power went to 10 out of 100 this arc and this is a realy bad look for you but also kaido and all yonkos .
I don't care as much about powerlevel wank or non-existent "stats", but the fact is that Nika feels poorly written, like a one-note joke that keeps trying to tell the same joke over and over again "Look at how silly I am! I can do anything!" but its not effective for the long term.

Oda really wrote himself into a corner with this one, which is what happens when you write something with the intent of "disgusting" your audience with some last minute lore addition rather than adding it because it will be a compelling addition to the narrative. He also claimed to want to introduce it so as to not have Luffy beat Kaido with another predictable giant punch attack, but he ends up beating him with a punch anyway.

Leakers even kept bragging about how hilarious it was that Luffy's superficial body parts got blown off by Warcury but all it did was kill any tension or concern you may have for Luffy, and all to deliver a very common western cartoon gag.
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I don't care as much about powerlevel wank or non-existent "stats", but the fact is that Nika feels poorly written, like a one-note joke that keeps trying to tell the same joke over and over again "Look at how silly I am! I can do anything!" but its not effective for the long term. Oda really wrote himself into a corner with this one, which is what happens when you write something with the intent of "disgusting" your audience with some last minute lore addition rather than adding it because it will be a compelling addition to the narrative.

Leakers even kept bragging about how hilarious it was that Luffy's superficial body parts got blown off by Warcury but all it did was kill any tension or concern you may have for Luffy, and all to deliver a very common western cartoon gag.
He is likely to fight the dirty evil pirate blackbeard and serious brutal soldier Akainu :risitavirus:
Luffy fanboys can cope all they want but Nika lethality this arc is dog shit and we have no choice but to hype the guy in front durability stats because of it . Luffy can't keep someone down to save his life . Normally when this dude get you out ,you are out for days.
Kizaru is looking like kaido right now in dura for god sake this is hilarious . Even the navy are like wait bro but where are your injuries ?
Remember Kaido needed 1 free hits on luffy or Oden to end them ? Yet kizaru keep getting back up and if it wasnt for vegapunk he would still be righ tin front of luffy trolling his as s .
SO yes Luffy your attack power went to 10 out of 100 this arc and this is a realy bad look for you but also kaido and all yonkos .
Nah...one CoC attack and Kizaru was paralyzed for the good time...Oda had to introduce turning into old guy weakness for Luffy that was non existent in wano in this arc so that both has to lie down while Bonney narrate us Kuma flashback...and the fight was not even serious 1 vs 1 with both focusing on each other...and Kizaru got captured twice by Luffy....and even against gorosei the issue is not getting injured but getting regenerated...and you talk as if Kizaru attacks that took by Luffy was "lethal" when he was just with scratches...


When were you under the impression this game is..
Luffy fanboys can cope all they want but Nika lethality this arc is dog shit and we have no choice but to hype the guy in front durability stats because of it . Luffy can't keep someone down to save his life . Normally when this dude get you out ,you are out for days.
Kizaru is looking like kaido right now in dura for god sake this is hilarious . Even the navy are like wait bro but where are your injuries ?
Remember Kaido needed 1 free hits on luffy or Oden to end them ? Yet kizaru keep getting back up and if it wasnt for vegapunk he would still be righ tin front of luffy trolling his as s .
SO yes Luffy your attack power went to 10 out of 100 this arc and this is a realy bad look for you but also kaido and all yonkos .
Kizaru took 2 punches and one smack you dumb motherfucker how does that make him look like Kaido who took hundreds of hits?

Exagerrating much?

Not to mention in only one of those 3 hits was ACoC used by Luffy.
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