One Piece Chapter 1114: “The Wings of Icarus”

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Who do you believe are the final antagonists?:choppawhat:
There are multiple approach to this question on a storytelling basis (and that's why its very well done):

- We could go the basic path and say that since blackbeard is presented like other protagonist in others stories (in term of presentation, the way he creates his plan, the way he shapes the protagonists etc..) Blackbeard is a good candidate.

- We could also go deeper and look at the thematic of the story that is freedom and look at the main antagonist that could threaten the freedom of the protagonist. This would therefore be Imu since blackbeard is the incarnation of Chaos.

- But blackbeard also possess the ability to nullify the entire freedom that the fruit of Luffy possess those I don't really see how a fight between the two cannot happen..

- We also know that Luffy do not act alone and that there is a gigantic thematic of the world helping Luffy against the main threat.

So if I was completely crazy, I would say that the last antagonist will be the fusion between blackbeard and Imu but I don't really see how this could happen.

But my final guess is that Black Beard will take something so precious to Luffy and Imu and so threatenning to the world that Luffy will have to fight it and the end.. and Imu will be facing the entire world (strawhats included).
Also it’s clear that Vegapunk made this message either when Lulusia was destroyed or when he gave the mother flame to the WG. It also really explains that York only wanted to be a CD because she knew the world was sinking and only the CDs would be spared.
It's off-screen, Sanji isn't just standing there like a retard while Bonney fights him.
The last panel we got Oimo, Kashi and Bonney were engaged fighting Nujsuro. Sanji was nowhere in the picture. He was being saved actually.
Saturn is a jobber, can't deny that, but even still, Robin + Chopper + Lilith + Nami + Usopp + Brook >>> Morley

Morley might honestly lose to Brook alone, forget the others as well.
Ryokugyu did not postpone against Morley but it was Morley who ran away with a power that makes it impossible to stop him. Saturn ran from the weak hats not being able to touch anyone at that.
Didn't sell out to anything, a person can discuss multiple characters.
Yes Yes, that's why several of your group deleted their accounts or went hiding like Durableguy, Pringles and D stronger 🤣
When will you realize that downplaying Luffy only makes Kizaru, Luffy's 1v2 pizza victim, look even more shit than he currently does? You Admiral wankers should be wanking Luffy to the moon so that Kizaru looks at least a little less pathetic.
Luffy used the best of his attacks. G5, aCoC, Giant mode and couldn't damage Kizaru whatsoever. Luffy has been fucking shit all arc. He lost to nerfed Kizaru in a 1v1, ate, but got up later anyways.
Zoro's flames from Hell? :zosmug:
I always keep saying it, Zoro's Next Lesson is 100% Special Flames

I believe Haki in it's Pure Form is a Flame that can Defeat even Darkness (Yami Yami No Mi or Yokai such as Gorosei)
It's just that Haki Users are unable to Control it in such State, so They change it's Form (CoO - CoA - CoC)
Those Three represent Solid, Liquid, Gas

But Most Powerful Haki Users are those who can Control Haki in it's Original Form (Flame)
Now that Zoro showcased CoO against Hyouzou, CoA against Pica & CoC against King, his Next Lesson is this Flame

And Zoro already used a Fire Variation of his Signature Attack (Flaming Oni Giri)
It was obviously a Foreshadowing
Is Saint Shalria gonna switch sides and aid the pirates? Shalria for nakama?
Also... Hagoromo first ninja, Joyboy first pirate?

Btw Nika can hurt other gorosei before they regen, but he gets wounded by hitting Chadcury?
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