Kidd greatness this chapter?

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why do zboys keep spreading this headcanon? his cuts are cuts, everybody calls them cuts and it literally has the same sfx as slices lol
It's not actual cuts because he's doesn't damage whatever he cuts. He though he "cut" Kinemon, he didn't damage Kinemon so he could be put back together without needing to heal.

Zoro can cut mountains yet here is Killer, Lucci and Pica all fine after being sliced up by him
All three of them sustain damage from Zoro's cuts. Sure they can heal from it in time but it doesn't change the fact for them to put back together they have to be healed.

That's the difference between actually cutting objects because of a character strength and swordsmanship. Compared to cutting objects thanks to a devil fruit that actually just divide things into pieces.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
My thoughts:
Uranus (lulusia weapon) was stolen by WG when the war began. This weapon not only creates the holes we see in Lulusia but on the other side of the earth, it pushes up parts of the bedrock that the sea sits upon which causes the sea quake and the increase in sea level.

They used this 199 times to create the Redline, as were told the red line is a series of islands that have been connected and not just a single landmass.

How pluton fits in is that it has the power to completely destroy the redline so nothing remains allowing the sea level to return to normal and Joyboy commissioned its creation which is why Oden wanted Pluton ready by the time of Joyboys return because it’ll be needed to win the war.
I believe Urunus is a gravity weapon, and, if it is, it could very well have created the Redline by pulling the earth up. Doing so would most likely severely mess with the earth's magnetic field... hence the Grand Lines ridiculous weather/electromagnetic readings.

The Grand Line is probably getting soaked in radiation due to the WG messing with the Vearth's Atmosphere.
It's not actual cuts because he's doesn't damage whatever he cuts. He though he "cut" Kinemon, he didn't damage Kinemon so he could be put back together without needing to heal.
they are cuts, you're literally reading a fantasy story use your imagination ffs. His ability allows him to cut people without damaging them, but they're still cuts as the story presents them as cuts
What stops Oda to call someone from WG and potentially Zoro's EOS opponent the real WSS ? Nasjuro fits all the criteria to be the WSS but hey he isn't the WSS that means Mihawk > Nasjuro. Simple as that.
Don't be like Shanks fans who can't accept the reality. You guys have seriously an issue with the WSS title or with Z... :kobeha: :kobeha:
Because the world were never aware of the Gorosei being fighters, and as such were never candidates for any of the titles, so therefore arguments of title bearers can not be used against them as they can be for well-known individuals like Shanks.
What stops Oda to call someone from WG and potentially Zoro's EOS opponent the real WSS ? Nasjuro fits all the criteria to be the WSS but hey he isn't the WSS that means Mihawk > Nasjuro. Simple as that.
Don't be like Shanks fans who can't accept the reality. You guys have seriously an issue with the WSS title or with Z... :kobeha: :kobeha:
everyone wants their fav to have something like mihawk :ihaha:
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