Kidd greatness this chapter?

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Fill up bathtub, drop crown in bathtub, bathtub gets more fill.

That’s literally how measuring the volume of irregular 3 Dimensional shapes was discovered. It’s literally the same concept here.

World has water, push continents to below sea level, water gets higher.
The world did not go under it got flooded with water. I am asking where the water came from


When were you under the impression this game is..
WB was equal to the PK, who is > Yonko. Shanks had the potential to become PK, but chose not to because he knew that claiming the One Piece before Nika’s awakening would be pointless
Shanks had the potential, now hes lost a hand. And who says PK is stronger then the Gorosei? You?
Nah we still need a panel for each Seraphim reintroducing them and then we need to go elswhere to check on the Tontattas it's been a minute.
Oda still has to show us that one of the Gorosei is weak to S-Snake's DF. The Pedosei.

Currently 2anji and fran4y have faced a gorosei compared to 7oro :saden:
They've been a decent tag team this arc, vs S-Shark, vs Saturn, vs Venus.
The problem is that Franky is hard carrying.
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My theory is the conflict was inside the Great Kingdom, where one sided wanted to share its advancements with the rest of the world (Joy Boy) and the other who wished to keep it for themselves (Xebec/Teach's ancestor). In doing so, the Kingdom was weakened and eventually destroyed.
Instead of trying to pester us asking where Sanji is, thinking you all got one up on us.

What about where Zoro is?

Last I heard *checks notes* Zoro is a master at CoO surpassing both Sanji and Luffy.
He's faster than Sanji or so I'm told...

So where is he? Giant sword slash that is so big it cuts the dome. Used by entity with very strong haki.

If Sanji can cross a vast distance in mere seconds. Shouldn't Zoro who is faster already be there to deflect Nasjuro after sensing him or hell, seeing him?

Before you worry about Sanji, perhaps you should worry about your own guy with your outrageous claims you make. Let's see those claims and skills.
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