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Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Gungnir? And Mjolnir for Usopp. :usoprice:
Yeah Gungir, that's the one! Mjollnir we definitely need to see regardless and "Thor" too but I'm scared of him being another Oden if we get Thor too.

Someone on Reddit actually had a brilliant idea surprisingly for Mjollnir where Usopp would be able to lift it BUT if he shows cowardice, it would become extremely heavy and pin him down, forcing him to fight and be brave, to stand his ground. A perfect inversion of how Mjollnir is but still testing his worthiness too.
Same goes for Zoro, Lucci was stuck in place, Zoro just needed to give a no named slash and done.

Soo your point is not only invalid, but its also retarded
took zoro way longer plus lucci still was able to put his guard up and luffy knocked lucci down zoro couldn’t even move lucci an inch

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
If the Celestial Dragons are lizard people

I will break at least one lung laughing

Still wondering how much Oda wants to explore the concept of Hollow Earth with Lulusia (and God Valley if it also sunk into the ocean like Lulusia)
I've been waiting for a reptilian race in op too, I thought Kings race could be inspired by salamanders too but eh lol.
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