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Akainu didn't get any answers. He's going to come to Egghead and fuck all those bitches up.
- Next OP chapter, Kizaru is over what has been bugging him and unleashes.

- Next Kingdom chapter, following the defeat of Qin in Northern Zhao, Chu suddenly invades Qin from the South. The combined army who sets out is led by Great General Karin and Great General Renpa.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Call me Barqbeard, the Shaggy
Ooooh that's interesting! That would make Luffy using Snakeman all the more fitting too somehow.

Dorry and Broggy mentioned the great indestructible red serpent that goes around the world, I wouldn't be surprised if the red line actually is a serpent and thus said serpent for real too, either dead, dormant or petrified too.

Also the drawings Enel looked at had that weird machine, contraption, maybe a ship made of seemingly tons of coiled up serpents too.
The exact wording they used refers to is a "snake soaked in blood"

So, I believe the Lunarians were slaughtered on the Red Line, and it is literally soaked red in their blood.
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