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I was rereading the chapter and just realized

Vegapunk was the chief researcher in Punk Hazard, right?

So he was the one responsible for torture and experiments on Arbel

Such a son of a bitch.

He also experimented a lot with Kuma


Vegapunk = Josef Mengele

Vegapunk knew learned about Ohara's research with Clover

At that time he still worked with Ceaser at Mads

He has then a secret meeting with the Gorosei

There he betrayed Clover and told to the government everything he knew about what was going on in Ohara.

After that he recieved a promotion and was designed as World Government's top scientist, earninng lots of money

Meanwhile, in Ohara

Nowadays he regrets it, but Vegapunk caused the Ohara incident



Unethical curiosity
The interesting part about the chapter is its end and the timing Oda used. It is the most critical point, in which the Sunny leaps from the Labo-phase to land in the sea and Vegapunk is about to tell us one last thing in his speech.

Also, only Luffy seems to hear Emeth as the Giants do not hear, what the robot said to Luffy. The speaking-bubble of the ancient robot conveys this quite well as Oda uses an other form than his usual circled one.

With this in mind, we can look on both sides of the war and notice that on the one side, we have Luffy, Emeth, Shirahoshi, Zunisha, Momo, who are using this kind of telepathy to communicate. And on the other side, we have the same – the Gorosei, who are able to communicate in this kind of fashion, as well.

It makes me think and wonder, if the respective other side could hear, what is spoken at the opposite party. If, for example Luffy were to tell Emeth something – could the Gorosei hear, what they said to each other or does each side use their own `frequencyΒ΄?

Is the telepathy Luffy uses also able to bridge long distances, like the one we see the Gorosei using? Or is it only usable on short distances?

And one more time, I want to note that I do know that at least Shaka is still alive. It makes the death of every other Vegapunk at least questionable. Even more so because in this chapter we see that York thinks Lilith not communicating with Punk Records anymore does mean she is dead, although she is still alive and only unconsciously lying on the Sunny.

Nasjuro knows of Lilith still being alive and if he was to really think about the fact, then he would also come to the conclusion that, only because York tells them that she does not feel the other Vegapunks anymore, does not mean they are all dead. However, it is questionable, if he does think so far.

Finally, we have Atlas striking down Lilith. This would not throw up questions, if it were not for the fact that in the previous chapter we see both Vegapunks communicating with Atlas telling Lilith that York is monitoring them. Shortly after another sentence is said, Oda cuts it. And this cut is exactly what makes me question, if the following sentence does not contain some information, we should not know for now.