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Lmao, Luffy wasn't Katakuri's opponent, he was his victim.
This. Katakuri let him win. Which was the perfect set up for a rematch with him and the rest of the Big Memes in Elbaf, the source of Big Meme's anxieties, but instead they became Wano fodder, and most of them got waterfall diff'd no less. And Big Meme became an even bigger joke. Damn it LOda.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
The funny is thing is they also didn't have receive a modicum of characterization in this arc as opposed to someone like Kizaru who got great writing, so the only thing Pissjuro and Saturn came here for was to getting dunked on them in every convincible:ronalugh: way possible
Also I completely agree! Saturn was such cartoonishly evil/edgy writing and hes the most incompetent scientist so far, even making Judge and Queen, along with Vegadumbass look like actual Einsteins and Aizens by comparison!

Its sad how much Kizaru is being sidelined but also has had better writing than his 5 superiors and the "front of the world government", "the leaders of the entire world".

We waited 9 months for Kizaru and Saturn to arrive to get this and then Oda tried to bait us again with having Sega Saturn summoning the others like hes playing Yuigoh or listening to too much Dethklok or something and he then proceeds to ruin them with no mercy because he apparently hates his own story and characters that much now or the story is being written by someone who hates it instead of Oda or its just Oda or this ghost writer being that incompetent or Oda has truly gone senile ro just stopped giving a fuck lol.

So many series fall apart at the final hurdles, the final saga but none quite as spectularly as One Piece so far, I guess the bigger you are, the harder you fall, the higher you soar, the harder you're gonna hit the floor and how fitting we're meant to be going to the land of giants next and possibly an island in the sky again if Asgard is One Piece or something like that? Elbaf should be a Skypeia 2.0 easily and Elbaf has the biggest tree there and a giant beanstalk too I believe like Skypeia had or it SHOULD have at least and Jack should re-appear at Elbaf to get crushed by the giant beanstalk or fall off it too for maximum dramatic irony lmfao.

I've seen so many people write far better ideas than what Oda is giving us by the way of fake spoilers, theories and predictions in general but somehow we keep ending up with the worst possible option canonically, direct from the author himself apparently! Fanfiction is meant to be inferior to the actual official product but for many years now, fanfiction and fan content in general has been absurdly superior to the point it makes me want to cry lmfao.

I have no joy and must scream.

Saul Dragon Garp and Teach are all ads who worked for the government and yet there’s no sense given that anyone was hunting down Ds

Fucking Luffy, a D with the fucking God fruit of prophecy wasnt ever stated to be hunted down for being a D

Imu himself in this arc says he doesn’t care about the D clan

WHAT THE FUCK IS ODA DOING? He’s forgetting own story
Even Luffy's first bounty poster didn't try to hide the fact that he was a D., now the Ds are this super secret club no one knows about despite the hero of the marines being one and the biggest pirate of all who was known to hate the name Gold Roger and never used it himself somehow never letting more people know his initial. Not even the scum of impel down which is full of famous pirates know it? And even the gomu gomu is now the most wanted fruit on the gorosei's list, and the straw hat Luffy wears is a relic that's been not only owned by both Shanks and Roger, but a bigger one is even kept by Imu, which would've made Luffy a huge target, and yet they didn't just send Cipher Pol to east blue to deal with this kid the minute he got his first bounty? Loda of the Retcons.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Even Luffy's first bounty poster didn't try to hide the fact that he was a D., now the Ds are this super secret club no one knows about despite the hero of the marines beign one. And even the gomu gomu is now the most wanted fruit on the gorosei's list, and the straw hat Luffy wears is a relic that's been not only owned by both Shanks and Roger, but a bigger one is even kept by Imu, which would've made Luffy a huge target, and yet they didn't just send Cipher Pol to east blue to deal with this kid the minute he got his first bounty? Loda of the Retcons.
Goda's Angels will try to gaslight you that it was all foreshadowed and thus planned from day 1 and definitely not a retcon.

I remember a LOT of people ridiculing the whole Nika thing in Skypeia and saying it wasnt foreshadowing, its just something from a "filler arc", a throwaway line, nothing relevant and never will be relevant and so on and also those 4 elemental gods and even the mermaid girls with the Nika, Sanka, Yonka or w/e their names were and "Two Nikas" even then too. They even did it until shortly after Gear 5 was revealed at least.

Schrodingers Foreshadowing apparently.

Oda said himself the story was meant to only be 5 years long, the Yonkos were meant to be the main villains overall, Warlords and Supernovas were not planned at all and the latter were last minute requests by an editor at least and he also said he has no idea how Luffy is gonna defeat Kaido and it cant involve a bigger punch, yet Goda stans still try to insist it "wasnt just a bigger punch". Literal cult level gaslighting.

The more they try to Will of Deceive us and Deny the truth, the more I grow to hate the series, its fanbase, Oda etc proportionately.
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