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Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
This post reminded me of the new era Garp... imagine Garp doing serious combo attacks with Helmeppo and Dalmatian on Roger's back! :steef:
Lmfao that sounds like their own version of Pirate Docking the SHs were trying to do? I wanna see someone draw that now! @Cross_Marian you up for it? :madmonk::catpole::catblush:

Honestly Oda would do this too if he saw the idea lmao.
The 5 right hands of Imu, the strongest Celestial Dragons, all awakened demonic zoans or even literal demonic supreme monsters....

And even they are not safe from jobbing and being Team Rocket levels of incompetent, with Mars even getting the Team Rocket sendoff!

Goda I kneel! (Mainly because I can't take this anymore and Oda's trolling/incompetence haki is too strong for me to withstand anymore.)

Oda said he hates drawing fights and doesn't want them to last more than 1 page long, unless you're Luffy or Raizo clearly.

I can't believe I had hype for Nusjuro for decades now literally. Did I really learn nothing from the Yonkos and Kizaru?

Atlas just did an Akainu level of lethality on Nusjuro too and hes a fucking awakened mythical demon zoan or a literal demon from hell....

Fucks sake man, Oda has completely lost his mind like Vegapunk has, I swear!

People slander Boa Handjob for taking out Pacifistas as her best feat (with her feet) but apparently she's Nusjuro/Gorosei level now then?! Or Nusjuro is only Boa level?! Does that mean Smoker can stall Nusjuro too? /s.


Seriously though, just trying to process what you pointed out and thus made me realise about Nusjuro just makes my brain cells all want to commit seppuku lmfao.

EtenBoby > EthanBaron Fraudjuro

No wonder Ryuuma was able to solo the WG and keep them away for ages!

The last time we got a villain seen dunked on in their reveal arc this hard was ceasar

But no you do not understand his le special cause he has the shapeshifting sword oda doesn't care to draw

The funny is thing is they also didn't have receive a modicum of characterization in this arc as opposed to someone like Kizaru who got great writing, so the only thing Pissjuro and Saturn came here for was to getting dunked on them in every convincible way possible :ronalugh:

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
The last time we got a villain seen dunked on in their reveal arc this hard was ceasar

But no you do not understand his le special cause he has the shapeshifting sword oda doesn't care to draw

The funny is thing is they also didn't have receive a modicum of characterization in this arc as opposed to someone like Kizaru who got great writing, so the only thing Pissjuro and Saturn came here for was to getting dunked on them in every convincible:ronalugh: way possible
Lmao, the discrepancy with his sword and thus inconsistency has been so frustrating, it kinda feels like "Green Bull has a black blade" all over again lmfao.

Thats so true though, Caesar was pretty underwhelming when Luffy defeated him, Luffy having a "proper fight and defeat" of a Logia as opposed to the most extreme plot conveniences before and even trolling Smoker before so poor Smoker can suffer more too, sigh lol.

Caesar's defeat and the treatment of the Gorosei and Kizaru so far has genuinely had me feeling like this, same with Vegadumbass' "big" announcement too:

This literally just describes that one Pica episode of Dressrosa or even Toeis handling of OP post TS really ofc! LMAO^

Change Spongebob to Toei or Oda there too.
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Saul Dragon Garp and Teach are all ads who worked for the government and yet there’s no sense given that anyone was hunting down Ds

Fucking Luffy, a D with the fucking God fruit of prophecy wasnt ever stated to be hunted down for being a D

Imu himself in this arc says he doesn’t care about the D clan

WHAT THE FUCK IS ODA DOING? He’s forgetting own story
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