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Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
What you think of this
  1. Hawk and snake stick with the strawhats
    • Not needing shark because they got Jinbe
    • Not needing bear because the original body might stick with them in some way shape or form
  2. Shark and bear going with shanks and buggy somehow
    • Them being obstacles to the straw hats but also supporters
    • Plus 7 warlords together maybe
      • Buggy, mihawk, crocodile, Moria, Doflamingo, bear(kuma), and shark(Jinbe)
  3. Flamingo, crocodile, and gecko with Blackbeard
    • All 3 past major villains and Blackbeard is a future villain luffy will beat
Yeah that could work, I like your logic behind all these choices, makes it more plausible/believable for me and thus I like it more too. Shanks lacks someone who isn't human on the crew aside from Monster and barely has anyone who is a different ethnicity too, so he needs some more diversity lmao.
S-Bear would be the perfectly needed tank for Buggy to have on his crew and an exterme damage boost for him too, for his crew and also help them to "de-fatigue" or w/e, to relive them of fatigue, pain and such with the paw paw fruit ofc.

I really like having the 7 warlords together in that way, although we would need S-Snake or Boa in Cross Guild too then somehow. Unless Buggy will replace her as you've done there ofc.

Those 3 Seraphims with Blackbeard would be great, especially as they were the most evil of the 3 warlords too and I like your logic for it too on top of that. Also since Oda hasnt even shown them again since they first appeared, they could finally get a role and importance this way and thus hype too. Blackbeard desperately needs a boost to his crew and this would be perfect by far. Truly a Yonko crew easily if he gets these 3. Rocks tier crew then too.

Idk whats going on with Auger and Devon, if they've managed to leave the island or not so assuming they've left or will leave without getting the Seraphims too, then Blackbeard can still get some Seraphims if he gets those wicked 3 too, "3 out of 4 of the best Warlords aint bad" too ofc!
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