Did Enma have Oden's haki in it?

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Kaido vs Prime Garp is very debatable.

Same with Prime Rayleigh/Shiki.


clear top 3 of the old era.
I place all these characters into two sup tiers.
One is Pirateking lvl(the top of the top tiers)
The another high top tier(strongest top tiers but still weaker than Pirateking lvl).

In that case I see it like this:
Pirateking lvl:
Roger 108
Primebeard 107
Prime Garp 106
Xebec 108

High Top Tier:
Sengoku 99,5
Kaido 99
Shiki 97
Rayleigh 97
Prime Big Mom 98

I think high top tiers fighting each other is very close, on bad days even Kaido could lose to Rayleigh. But if I could choose I can see Kaido beating Rayleigh around extrem high diff.

These guys are very close in power.
The question is rather who are the Pirateking lvl of the new era? My bet are Teach and Akainu, Dragon(maybe) and maybe Shanks(not sure yet).

Depends who face Luffy first and fights him, push him to extrem high diff.


Still kaido said to Luffy "I haven't had such a serious fight in a long time"

His fights with Shanks and BM were serious but not as serious as with Oden was
yet even then after coming into contact with Shanks, he placed him in his top5 alongside Oden....

& after 3 days of fighting was BM injured, did they not clash with CoC? whyw as it that they came to an alliance and Kaido didnt just beat her?

you ever plan on responding to me previous post though....


When were you under the impression this game is..
Again... Blackbeard is not his enemy. He doesn't give a shit about him. He's not going to get into some random ass clash with BB and risk a good amount of his troops being taken out just because he wants to fight. He's not impulsive like Luffy and Garp.
Youre missing the point Im trying to make, Xione said Dragon is PK++. Im saying its obvious hes not.

Hes strong but highly overrated.
It's not about being cameo in one arc
It's about how Oda writes them

:kayneshrug:Oda literally changed everything to hype Oden and ended up making other top tiers look average or Meh in the process

Roger begs WB to get Oden
WB sweats and hypes Young Oden
Kaido wanks Oden and was scarred by him (not even Shanks and BM could make Kaido have a serious fight )
Oden has VoAT and CoC...only Roger and Luffy have both so far. Oh Oda even drew all 3 to say they have inherited will.
Oden is worshipped in wano
Oden , WB and Roger are old trio ASL ...ODA RWPLICATED WHAT he did with sabo, ace and luffy
Zoro scarred kaido because of Oden's sword

Oda literally love Oden so much that the story changed forever

Akainu isn't getting an arc where he's wanked like this
Dragon has done nothing...sorry but stop this silly wank, Dragon couldn't even move to save anyone close to him
The dude didn't come for vegaounk or Kuma, he's done nothing but sweat or say "..."
Useless character so far
Why do y'all keep parroting that "Dragon has done nothing"... when people are being shook at the mention of his name because he's been doing shit off-panele... That makes 0 sense. Dragon changed the entire story when he appeared in chapter 100.....

The Gorosei are sending a marine fleet + CP0 after him, because he's done nothing?

Was BM a useless character, when all she did for 20 years was get dicked down by fodders and eat candy?
Why do y'all keep parroting that "Dragon has done nothing"... when people are being shook at the mention of his name because he's been doing shit off-panele... That makes 0 sense. Dragon changed the entire story when he appeared in chapter 100.....
For some reason this fandom has to see him clapping the strongest CP0 agents and Holy Knights with his fingers every time he appears or he's just a bum bitch who does nothing and is weak.
Keep in mind, despite BB having Kuzan with him, they still didn't take out any of his notable Commanders when they ambushed him. But yeah, he's just a fraud, lol...


When were you under the impression this game is..
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