ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1123: The Void Fortnight

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Meaning... the flames the Seraphim/Lunarians have ARE connected to the Mother Flame?
More like the motherflame acts as a power sources for the containment units of the Seraphim.

Especially since he seems more stupid by the minute, instead of axing York then and there, they decide to erase their own memories for ???? reasons
It's crazy, it seems every one here literally missunderstood the chapter. What vegapunk Did was the smartest play here !!!

I'm starting to thing the reason why people hate One Piece on this forum, is not because of toxicity...

Just reading problems... or worst

- Did not elaborate on York’s actual motives or POV, which is the only important thing in this betrayal

I've literally talked for weeks about the reason why York choosed to act like this !


So what did we learn here:

- The Haki of Joy Boy was far stronger than anything we have seen until this day
- Vagapunk had a conversation with Sanji and put his faith in the Strawhats
- Vagapunk is really an interesting character and was indeed taking Lilith as his most potential bad side like as I was explaining here:

York's betrayal is entirely linked to Vegapunk and the value surrounding the seeking of knowledge.

Remember, Vegapunk his a very complex character and he splitted his personnality into 6 consciences and six people

- His good side : Shaka
- His bad side : Lilith
- His thinking process : Edison
- His Wisdom : Pythagoras
- His violence : Atlas
- His Greedyness : York

Now, look again.

His good side was shot by his greedyness.
His wisdom was crushed by his creation.
His violence and thinking side sacrified themselves
And his greedyness betrayed him.

Like I said. This arc is about the knowledge. The knowledge of the past, present and future, but also the knowledge of others and the knowledge of one self.

The point of this arc is simple : Vegapunk was the BIGGEST BRAIN on the planet and the most intelligent person on earth....


What Vegapunk thought to be his greedyness for things of life actually was his REAL greedyness. The greedyness that corrupts your brain, the greedyness that makes you betray your friend, the greedyness that comes with the seek of knowledge and most of all, the greedyness that doesn't want to share !

This is one of the biggest flaws of scientists and the scientific world today.


What Vegapunk thought was his bad side actually is the one that survived and was protected. But it was NOT bad at all, its just his most subversive side ! The side that seeked for the forbidden knowledge !!

What Vegapunk just saved through Lilith is his BEST and most UNPREDICTIBLE side !

That's what this arc is about !

Its about protecting the things that counts !
Greed is by essence a negative behavior. York betrayed vegapunk because of her greed, simple as that.

Her theme makes perfect sence on the contrary ! York was blinded by her greed, she thought too much of herself and had too much desillusion about reality.

You need to take a bird's view of the arc instead of stopping at little plot knot that you think don't make sence.

Its an opposition of value system and behaviors. Vegapunk undersestimated his own greedyness and implanted it in the conscious of a person, this is what caused if fall.

But he also OVER estimated and MISSunderstood his bad side. this is why Lilith will survive and be a good character.

The point is that Vegapunk was a complexe HUMAN character. He had contradictions and blindspots despite being a genius.
Even a genius can make mistakes and fail to understand who he really is

I will repeat again in different words :

Vegapunk splitted himself into 6 part by vanity. He thoughts he was all knowing even of his own conscience but made a MAJOR AND DANGEROUS mistake and a BEAUTIFUL AND UNEXPECTED one:

He underestimated the dangerosity of his greed AND he overestimated the dangerosity of his bad nature !

This resulted in :

One very straightfoward character who betrayed him and her family
On more complexe and subversive character who stayed loyal to everyone around her

Hence why the character who is being saved right now, is the most interesting one ! Simply because its the most interesting part of Vegapunk.

Its all about the value of keeping and protecting the things that really counts. Knowledge, memories and our curiosity !
It really confirms that Oda put a LOT of thought into the creation of Vegapunk's story and character. Its REALLY interesting !

- They erased their memory which explain the entire situation of the recording
- Vegapunk left himself a message about something we don't know.. I think it was about a potential survival of the Vegapunk lineage with Lilith.

Not a lot of revelations but I think it was needed for the readability of the arc. Good chapter overall :)

I thought it was cool that Oda did that Subtly and YET he choosed to make it a little more obvious:


CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I'm starting to feel like you have a hard time letting arcs go :suresure:
Yeah, ever since Oda had to cut Wano into two parts because it was getting bigger than Big Mom.

My biggest issue is I LOATHE the idea of going to Elbaf before Big Mom and Pluton are dealt with in Wano. Big Mom is obviously going to be in Elbaf. I know some people hate that shit, but, Usopp and Big Mom going to Elbaf is so important to both their characters. If we go to Elbaf first, we're going to have to deal with some ridiculous bullshit about how Big Mom got rescued and then magically showed up in Elbaf for the Elbaf arc. BLEH.

What, Teach is just going to ignore Pluton's existence? He's going to make a beeline from his Beehive straight to Wano. IMO Teach going for Pluton is WHAT brings Big Mom back.

Finally, Elbaf might be the last big "arc" of One Piece. The Moon possibly, yeah, and Laugh Tale and the Final War, sure, but, Elbaf is it, the last big Island/Race that's been teased through the series, the Giants.

If Vivi, Yamato, and Carrot all get left behind for Elbaf, then I don't even want to go there. Carrot wants to see Giants, Yamato is genetically connected to them most likely due to her father being an Oni and the Ancient Oni connection with Giants, and Vivi... don't even fucking get me started.

I'm fine with the Straw Hats being done this arc, but, if Saturn, Kizaru, and the Marines just pack up and go home, then fuck Egghead.

This is actually the biggest reason I'm convinced we still have a Saturn + Seraphim vs Marines fight: half of the Vice Admirals have done LITERALLY nothing.

Let's see how Imu reacts to the Marines fucking everything up.
The fact this chapter is most commonly rated 1* is hilarious to me - just goes to show nobody here actually cares about story and just want to wank and powerscale specific characters. This chapter brought closure to the majority of open-ended questions remaining in the Egghead Island arc - it was perfect for its purposes. Min. 4*.
Don't be disingenuous - the vast majority of critiques in this thread are about the story and characters, not "powerscaling". There's no need to be insecure, nobody is saying you're not allowed to like the chapter/arc. All the more power to ya, I'm glad you enjoyed the writing.

Just because you can't look past your own nose and apparently don't understand how this chapter retroactively impacts the arc, doesn't mean that everyone who disliked this is some powerscaling action junky.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
No, it was stupid cause it did little to nothing to actually push the story.

- Did not elaborate on York’s actual motives or POV, which is the only important thing in this betrayal
- Made a stupid move to let York go and instead make an elaborate plan to delete memories of three other Vegapunks
- Did nothing for Vegapunk’s character, who just spent 500 chapters saying nothing - turns out he died to tell people the world is sinking and drag it out for no reason

The only thing which happened in the chapter that is somewhat important is using the energy for destroying the island. Didn’t need a whole chapter for this.
I think the dumbest thing in the chapter is this:

Why didn't they just drug York while she was sleeping, and erase York's memory of the Ancient Robot? The Robot was hidden in the Fabiophase, if she didn't know it was there, I don't know why she would have bothered looking for it. Hide the Broadcast Snail somewhere York could NEVER find it. Or... make more Broadcast Snails?

IMO Oda has introduced to many elements to the story, to the point where you can find plot holes everywhere. The bad ones are the ones that get me.

Vegapunk realized "Oh, crap, the WG is definitely going to erase us", and decided to make his last stand spreading the knowledge he found. That's fine.

Why just let York do whatever the fuck she wants? At least order the Seraphim not to listen to York's orders to kill people? Something?
Why just let York do whatever the fuck she wants?
Because Vegapunk needed to let the goverment think that he didn't know that the they know about what he know about the World centuries !!!!

The point was to let them kill him, to create an earthquack of world wide magnitude with his last minute speech !
And for that, he needed to be killed and find a way to save his researches.
More like the motherflame acts as a power sources for the containment units of the Seraphim.

It's crazy, it seems every one here literally missunderstood the chapter. What vegapunk Did was the smartest play here !!!

I'm starting to thing the reason why people hate One Piece on this forum, is not because of toxicity...

Just reading problems... or worst


I've literally talked for weeks about the reason why York choosed to act like this !


So what did we learn here:

- The Haki of Joy Boy was far stronger than anything we have seen until this day
- Vagapunk had a conversation with Sanji and put his faith in the Strawhats
- Vagapunk is really an interesting character and was indeed taking Lilith as his most potential bad side like as I was explaining here:


It really confirms that Oda put a LOT of thought into the creation of Vegapunk's story and character. Its REALLY interesting !

- They erased their memory which explain the entire situation of the recording
- Vegapunk left himself a message about something we don't know.. I think it was about a potential survival of the Vegapunk lineage with Lilith.

Not a lot of revelations but I think it was needed for the readability of the arc. Good chapter overall :)

I thought it was cool that Oda did that Subtly and YET he choosed to make it a little more obvious:

This was not a smart play by Vegapunk by any means. There’s 0 reasons to opt for deleting memories and letting York go.

Ehhh… Just branding her as greed is bad writing. They’re all Vegapunks aka the smartest characters around, and spelling out she’s greed instead of having her actual compelling reasoning OR thoughts is lazy.

I think it is you who doesn’t look past surface level understanding.
I think the dumbest thing in the chapter is this:

Why didn't they just drug York while she was sleeping, and erase York's memory of the Ancient Robot? The Robot was hidden in the Fabiophase, if she didn't know it was there, I don't know why she would have bothered looking for it. Hide the Broadcast Snail somewhere York could NEVER find it. Or... make more Broadcast Snails?

IMO Oda has introduced to many elements to the story, to the point where you can find plot holes everywhere. The bad ones are the ones that get me.

Vegapunk realized "Oh, crap, the WG is definitely going to erase us", and decided to make his last stand spreading the knowledge he found. That's fine.

Why just let York do whatever the fuck she wants? At least order the Seraphim not to listen to York's orders to kill people? Something?
I don’t think he thought it through tbh. Probably just rushed.


Sinister Blade
i'm kinda not excited about Elbaf lol

i'm scared of Oda just making another classic arc

i honestly just want to move on to the final conflict and all that shit that is happening in the world

i swear to god, please don't be another arc of freeing the island from a big bad
i'm kinda not excited about Elbaf lol

i'm scared of Oda just making another classic arc

i honestly just want to move on to the final conflict and all that shit that is happening in the world

i swear to god, please don't be another arc of freeing the island from a big bad
I would enjoy a good classic arc. As long as it pushes the plot.

Would be better than going to Elbaf and rushing everything there.


Sinister Blade
I would enjoy a good classic arc. As long as it pushes the plot.

Would be better than going to Elbaf and rushing everything there.
After Wano i'm tired of this type of arc

we already got the biggest fucking arc of that type ever

and we're in the final saga

i just want the worldwide plot to pushed along and seeing all the factions doing their shit
There’s 0 reasons to opt for deleting memories and letting York go.
Yes there was :

Because Vegapunk needed to let the goverment think that he didn't know that the they know about what he know about the World centuries !!!!

The point was to let them kill him, to create an earthquack of world wide magnitude with his last minute speech !
And for that, he needed to be killed and find a way to save his researches.

Ehhh… Just branding her as greed is bad writing.
No it's amazing what are you talking about ???

The point was to make a thesis about how one can know themselve. And the point of Oda is that even geniuses despite all their might and knowledge.. can make fundamental mistakes when they don't care about looking at themselves for who they are.

Like I explained in the quote (that I'm sure you didn't read completely) : Vegapunk, because of his ego, splitted himself in many parts, thought that his impredictibility and disruptive mind was actually his bad side and completely underestimated his greed even going to the point of personnifying it.

This is text book masterfull writing from Oda. i'm baffled that people can't understand that.

They’re all Vegapunks aka the smartest characters around, and spelling out she’s greed instead of having her actual compelling reasoning OR thoughts is lazy.
No, it's not lazy, it's just show that Vegapunk despite being a genius, made very poor choice of character and knew himself very little !

Damn.. I can't believe I have too argue such a a great storytelling usage with you right now..

I feel like this fanbase just can't read any more.

I think it is you who doesn’t look past surface level understanding.
Yeah keep saying that. I'm starting to lose complete faith in this forum's capacity of comprehension.

It's actually crazy.


Sinister Blade
now that MHA is over

maybe i could catch up to Chainsaw Man

or maybe read one of the new series, like Sakamoto Days or Kagurabachi

which one is hitting the best right now?
Yes there was :


No it's amazing what are you talking about ???

The point was to make a thesis about how one can know themselve. And the point of Oda is that even geniuses despite all their might and knowledge.. can make fundamental mistakes when they don't care about looking at themselves for who they are.

Like I explained in the quote (that I'm sure you didn't read completely) : Vegapunk, because of his ego, splitted himself in many parts, thought that his impredictibility and disruptive mind was actually his bad side and completely underestimated his greed even going to the point of personnifying it.

This is text book masterfull writing from Oda. i'm baffled that people can't understand that.

No, it's not lazy, it's just show that Vegapunk despite being a genius, made very poor choice of character and knew himself very little !

Damn.. I can't believe I have too argue such a a great storytelling usage with you right now..

I feel like this fanbase just can't read any more.

Yeah keep saying that. I'm starting to lose complete faith in this forum's capacity of comprehension.

It's actually crazy.
You realise he could have apprehended York and did whatever needed with her so that she doesn’t cause more damage?

I know you’re a lost cause, but splitting himself is not masterful writing, it’s not even original :chirstsad:


Sinister Blade
You realise he could have apprehended York and did whatever needed with her so that she doesn’t cause more damage?

I know you’re a lost cause, but splitting himself is not masterful writing, it’s not even original :chirstsad:
It's a lost cause talking about this with Logiko

they think Oda is perfect

the One Piece community is their only "safe space", so they will defend it against anything