Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1124 Spoilers Discussion

THAT MAN will be/ Cover Page Kidnapper

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Welcome to the House of Hope
Done bro.

As @Doggo pointed it out, Alabasta is a huge arc, you can´t cover that arc with other mini arcs in one season.
But in sametime this is bad news for OPLA, it is pretty clear that OPLA will probably not even finish to Marineford.

Probably Oda plan is to gain more fans and attention with the Alabasta arc.
Once he and netflix did Alabasta, they might cancel the live action.
My man, is a garbage show like TBBT can last 10+ seasons, imagine what One Piece can accomplish.

The success for "non one piece fans" audience was HUGE.

Y'all sound defeatist as fuck.

Come clean that you wish for the OPLA to fail so we don't have to deal with Oda's 1 month breaks again.
Why are people so scared of the idea that Kizaru was mentally nerfed?

Goofy already gets every feat in the book and has the thickest plot armor possible, everything is centered around the bum ass Joy Boy/Nika shit, and then everyone he fights also needs to fight at 100% all the time too? Oh no, imagine Goofy isn't the most important character from another character's POV for once.

Oda goes out of his way to shove in like 30 panels of Kizaru being conflicted and unsure of his actions in a manga where willpower is the greatest source of strength, but no Kizaru was going all-out at every turn.

:seriously: ok
People here have a general aversion that goes above anything beyond lobotomy maiden level discussion, we saw that already last chapter

Combination of just the nature of Internet discussion, funny shitpostomt and the bulk of people reading the manga for characters here in this forum specifically that have a absolutely nothing going on with them character wise

We have literal individuals here that claimed verbatim they don't even read the chapter sometimes but only the spoilers :josad:
You know, its funny to me that now all of a sudden Elbaf worships Nika as one of their gods, which is starting to make me think again about Elbaf being an actual person who oppresses the Giant's from the Sky above the tree.

Basically Elbaf could be a Lunarian, like Arbel. He was chased away from Red Line due to the WG, and decided to take over another kingdom. Lunarian's possibly live unnaturally long lives, so it wouldnt surprise me if a Lunarian had affected Giant culture in that timeframe. (Arbel looking 20 at like 50 years old lol). Could also be a cool way to tie in Urouge.

I could see Oda wanking Nika by having a "false god" and the "real god" fighting each other over Elbaf.

Anyway, huuuuuge stretch and I would rather Elbaf address actual known plotlines and characters, not something new. But man the idea of it being Skypiea 2.0 would be awesome.
My man, is a garbage show like TBBT can last 10+ seasons, imagine what One Piece can accomplish.
You can´t compare TBBT to a live action movie like OPLA.
Opla eats much more money, cost more money for CGI and so.
If we could compare these, best example would be the witcher or Game of thrones and not something like TBBT.

The actors wont get younger.
And both GoT and TheWitcher failed, so why OPLA should do it better if in compare something like GoT failed to do?
Done bro.

As @Doggo pointed it out, Alabasta is a huge arc, you can´t cover that arc with other mini arcs in one season.
But in sametime this is bad news for OPLA, it is pretty clear that OPLA will probably not even finish to Marineford.

Probably Oda plan is to gain more fans and attention with the Alabasta arc.
Once he and netflix did Alabasta, they might cancel the live action.
Alabasta could be done with all the precedeeing arcs in a 10 episode season and it would still feel stretched out.
Episodes are roughly an hour long, give or take. All the anime fluff is cut out, fights last a lot shorter than in the anime, and plotlines are cut or merged together.

They probably want to highlight Chopper this season and dedicate the CGI budget mostly to him (and one episode of Smoker) instead of splitting it between Chopper, Smoker and Crocodile
Hmm, i like the idea that they may both be from Wano! My only issue with them being tied together is Shiryu was still a WG employee at Impel Down before being arrested. However that doesnt mean they couldnt have history before Shiryu went and became a jailer, since Issho wasnt technically an Admiral (and couldnt arrest Shiryu anyway).

I really like the idea of the final battles largely being tied to characters who have history with one another for sure, especially if they are more than standard 1v1's at first.

Scenery like this probably enough to make Fujitora blinded himself. Especially if the bodies are coming from both Shiryu and Fujitora's friends.

My headcanon thinks, both of them was coming and training in same dojo. The dojo had 2 Meitos, 1 that is held by Fujitora, he was probably Head of The Dojo. The other 1 was Raiu, which was locked because it was cursed, bloodthirsty sword.
Shiryu had his eyes on Raiu, similar way Teach had his eyes on Thatch's Yami Yami. When Fujitora was away, Shiryu massacred the whole dojo to steal the bloodthisty sword. Shiryu was already bloodthirsty even before he got Raiu. With Raiu, it amplifies his bloodthirsty even more.

Fujitora came back and saw the dead bodies. Something like this scene

Except of course more tame, because One Piece is shonen.
It all happened on night with heavy rain, thus birthed the epithet Shiryu of The Rain.

Might be the reason Fujitora wanted to disband the shichibukai. Man he hates the most was working for Government, but now a pirate. Shichibukai is basically also pirate working for Government, so Fuji doesn't want them around.
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