Rank your top 10 marines in order.
1. Rosinante (justice + parenthood)
2. Bellemere (justice + parenthood)
3. Fujitora (justice and trolling the WG)
4. Smoker (justice and tolling the WG)
5. Tashigi (justice and kindness)
6. Kuzan (justice and idealism)
7. T-Bone (justice and idealism)
8. Hibari (justice and being adorable)
9. Momonga (justice and stabbing his own leg to avoid Boa's Petrification)
10. Kizaru (dude's just fun to watch)
Honorary Mentions:
-Jonathon since he's not canon (would be over Smoker at 4.)
-Jango and Fullbody (they're hilarious but they're objectively horrible at their job)
-Hina ("Why is Hina not No. 1?" Hina asks as she "binds" me
-Sengoku for loving rice crackers and having a pet Goat and Gorilla
I love Akainu as a character but believe he is a horrible representative of military justice, and got overpromoted.
Interested to see where Oda takes Tensei's character