Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1125 Spoilers Discussion

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The only one who can beat me is me
Punk Hazard Smoker would obliterate any mid trio Strawhat btw, even if you gave them the ability to make contact with him. Oda would literally laugh at you if you told him Robin or Brook could be a threat to Smoker.

Red King had Haki. How did he fare against Franky?
Get them past Smoker first. Tashigi also had haki, big whoop.
so this story has become about Luffy and Shanks, nothing will matter, that's what I've been saying for a year:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
If you explain to someone that Shanks is the holy knights leader ( now Gorosei ) son, apprentice of the pirate king, rival of the WSS

They would think your describing the protagonist
Well, some of these guys were clowning on pringles for suggesting Saturn would be defeated/die somehow just yesterday. Here’s a few examples.

I’d say he’s a bit vindicated since he was right about the hints and these guys were denying it.
Thank you Toby

I still took an L for overfocusing on Luffy defeating Saturn but I am very happy with this outcome


The Rogue Prince
You ignore in-story portrayal for your headcanoned feats and misinterpretations due to either agenda or sheer illiteracy and if it clashes with the portrayal the author is establishing, you handwave it aside as "powercreep", "Oda doesnt care about powerlevels".

There is no way to debate with you lot.


The only one who can beat me is me
It isnt just about matchups.

DJ Sanji/Warlord Law/Smoker/Vergo were all stronger than Shogun Franky/Demonio Robin. They were on a whole another level.
Lmfao imagine trying to argue Hakiless gimps like Brook and Robin are even threatening Vergo. When Warlord Law with counter shock, DJ Sanji, Smoker, could barely get Vergo to flinch. The dude cracked Sanji's strongest weapon (his legs) without even using his super hard armament haki, and was blitzing Law's shambles attempt.

You want to find out whether or not to take someone seriously, ask them about Vergo vs the Mid Trio. It's a very good barometer for who can powerscale.
You ignore in-story portrayal for your headcanoned feats and misinterpretations due to either agenda or sheer illiteracy and if it clashes with the portrayal the author is establishing, you handwave it aside as "powercreep", "Oda doesnt care about powerlevels".

There is no way to debate with you lot.
Or you all are too obsessed with what u call poetray when is just your own gut feeling. Feats and narrative is clear, also statement, Oda made Kizaru say that Luffy was indeed the one who beat Kaido.
Lmfao imagine trying to argue Hakiless gimps like Brook and Robin are even threatening Vergo. When Warlord Law with counter shock, DJ Sanji, Smoker, could barely get Vergo to flinch. The dude cracked Sanji's strongest weapon (his legs) without even using his super hard armament haki, and was blitzing Law's shambles attempt.

You want to find out whether or not to take someone seriously, ask them about Vergo vs the Mid Trio. It's a very good barometer for who can powerscale.
Vergo was the strongest VA


The Rogue Prince
Lmfao imagine trying to argue Hakiless gimps like Brook and Robin are beating Vergo, when Warlord Law with haki, DJ Sanji, Smoker, could barely get Vergo to flinch. The dude cracked Sanji's strongest weapon (his legs) without even using his super hard armament haki, and was blitzing Law's shambles attempt.

You want to find out not to take someone seriosuly, ask them about Vergo vs the Mid Trio. It's a very good barometer for who can powerscale.
There are multiple such barometers tbh.
You can usually spot someone with a bit of sense when they talk about where Doffy stands.
Or about Pre TS Crocodile/Enel/Lucci/Moria vs Pacifista.
Or Magellan's Powerlevel in general.
Or whether Snakeman was faster against Kaidou than against Katakuri.

Vergo vs Franky is a good one too.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Well it just goes to show you how weak the pool is. I mean legitimate top tiers are pretty rare, it's quite an accomplishment to reach top commander level in this verse.

Remember how Marco was a Yonkou candidate? I'd figure the same goes for the Admiral candidates, they prob cap out around this level.

Which is why Akainu would rather hold a draft to hire and promote two randoms with no Marine background, to such an influential position in the entire Navy, right off the bat. Shows you how desperate they were, if the Admiral candidates were anywhere near top tiers, them having the Marine background would be more than enough to just apoint them to the position, at least temporarily.
The Marines that truly carry justice and act without killing innocents in the process are the strongest characters on some levels.

Sometimes I wonder if the Marine "Draft" was actually a tournament of sorts and Fuji and Aramaki won.

The real Marines are the toughest of the bunch. Being able to deal with the Celestials Dragons in order to protect civilians is so difficult. These guys are constantly dealing with child sexual abusers and murderers, who rule over them, to try to protect people.

People act like the Marines are in charge.

The Marines are ruled by genocidal whiny loser babies, and doing everything they can to stop them from destroying the world.

I dislike a lot about Akainu, but I respect the fact that he wants to destroy criminal activity, and is pissed the people. who say they hate it, are stopping him from stopping it. After Sakazuki saw how Doflamingo got protected, he went to the Gorosei and shouted them down to their faces (REST IN HELL SATURN YOU FUCK).

It's so hard to be a Marine Admiral. You have to be able to be the strongest bastion of justice, while sucking up to genocidal psychopaths that will erase you and everything you love if you revolt.

The modern world in One Piece had made it very hard to justify that kind of commitment to child sex traffickers.

Kuzan quitting had more to do with the Celestials than we know, IMO.

Even Blackbeard seems to be more moral than the Celestial Dragons, and Teach has NO morals.
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