You're literally the class clown of the Zoro fandom and nobody takes you seriously. If I say that Lee took a W in one of his threads (about a topic which he has ridiculed for months due to the anime version), what does that make you when you constantly glaze Nik's threads? :choppawhat:

As for here, you confidenly opened you mouth and tried to trash me yesterday, only for the raws to destroy your entire stupid argument. So how does it not make you my bottom bitch?

G4? Where is G4? Must be in a hidden panel.
You two have ridiculous sexual tension
Idk what the fuss is really, Epaule is an attack Sanjis had in his bag since 1999, its a stronger version but has not once been portrayed as a finishing attack.......

It's a near base attack from the new Ifrit Jambe power repertoire.. Only that '' Strike '' is Haki version of '' Shoot ''..

Then how you think it fairs against Black Rope Dragon Twister?..
So based on IJ oneshotting Queen, it's
IJ = G3 = Tatsumaki oneshotting Queen

Only one of the the boys used their most powerful technique

Max. Sanji at this point is barely 40% of Zoro bros.
If they were literal wings, Luffy would fly in circles :saden:
Boeuf Burst that one shotted Queen is an Advanced Combo among Ifrit Jambe techniques.. It would be like G3 Gatling or something..