One Piece Chapter 1139 : “The Mountain Eater”

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World's Strongest Swordsman
Brandnew said Mihawk had better sword skills than Shanks instead of simply stating that he's stronger, those saying Shanks is not a real swordsman might actually have a point.
That doesn't make sense. In order for it to be a point that mihawk has better sword skills than shanks shanks has to be a swordsman that's the whole point.

Shanks is a swordsman mihawk swordsmanship IS EVEN BETTER.

What you are saying is the equivalent of brannew saying mihawks sword skill is superior to kaido.
That doesn't mean anything. Kaido doesn't have sword skill.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Oimo and Kashii obviously mean literally, they actually physically stood next to each other in battle. This is the obvious interpretation Oda wants the readers to have:goyea:
That's true. That'd literally what we've seen. Him stood shoulder to shoulder with Ray in the Oden flashback and shoulder to shoulder with Ray and Roger in god valley.
That doesn't make sense. In order for it to be a point that mihawk has better sword skills than shanks shanks has to be a swordsman that's the whole point.

Shanks is a swordsman mihawk swordsmanship IS EVEN BETTER.

What you are saying is the equivalent of brannew saying mihawks sword skill is superior to kaido.
That doesn't mean anything. Kaido doesn't have sword skill.
He is making fun of the guys that coping right now cause in this conversation the word strength is mentioned as oppose to the mihawk one and they still twerking