How strong is EOS Sanji?

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The only one who can beat me is me
Rogers crew was very strong to have 3 ~ WB or Garp level characters.
They had 3 top tiers, 4 when Oden was around. That's insane.

This crew alone had enough top tiers to deal with the 4 Emperors or 4 Admirals lmfaooo at some point, not necessarily win that fight but atleast remain competitive with. One fucking crew.

All bs aside, Gaban being mentioned next to Ray and Roger cements him as a legitimate top tier (I don't believe this chapter will outwardly say Gaban = Roger = Ray in strength, Oda never makes statements like that, but it will be a similar statement to the one Garp made about Ray and WB, so that roughly puts them in a similar ballpark).
They had 3 top tiers, 4 when Oden was around. That's insane.

This crew alone had enough top tiers to deal with the 4 Emperors or 4 Admirals lmfaooo at some point, not necessarily win that fight but atleast remain competitive with. One fucking crew.

All bs aside, Gaban being mentioned next to Ray and Roger cements him as a legitimate top tier (I don't believe this chapter will outwordly say Gaban = Roger = Ray in strength, Oda never makes statements like that, but it will be a similar statement to the one Garp made about Ray and WB, so that roughly puts them in a similar ballpark).
Yeah the Roger Pirates were not actually far behind the Rocks Pirates at all. At least in their primes.
Despite the drop in animation quality cuz people unironically think wiggly lines & no shadows = peak, BM had some of the highest-quality animation scenes in Wano :myman: Toei and Vincent Charizard love working on her @Moegara



The only one who can beat me is me
Despite the drop in animation quality cuz people unironically think wiggly lines & no shadows = peak, BM had some of the highest-quality animation scenes in Wano :myman: Toei and Vincent Charizard love working on her]
They did Big Mom a lot better than Oda did in Wano. Her scenes weren't filled with auras either, Law + Kidd vs Big Mom was pretty grounded.

Yeah the Roger Pirates were not actually far behind the Rocks Pirates at all. At least in their primes.
Roger vs WB
Ray vs Shanks
Oden vs Kaidou
Gaban vs Big Mom

Lmfao this one crew alone could get rid of the entire Yonkou system 😭😭😭

No wonder they don't exist in the current timeline. Oda can only get away with making a disbanded crew this strong.


The only one who can beat me is me
This Gaban spoiler piqued my interest in Elbaf characters - I need to go back and read the chapters
Do it. I finally read Elbaf because of last chapter. The lore is actually going crazy rn.

But man....Oda got me good, the beginning of his arcs are always fire, its the middle that becomes a complete drag. I thought I could ignore Elbaf but this mf dropped an endgame panel last chapter.
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