Gaban literally sees Rayleigh and Roger looking at Zoro and Luffy
Luffy calls Gaban an Older Sanji
Roger -> Luffy
Rayleigh -> Zoro
Gaban -> Sanji
Oden is a lot weaker than them
Zoro is a beast like oden is

Oden is not a lot weaker lo he’s just a less known member because he was only with them for a year
Gaban is literally having roger and Rayleigh flashbacks looking at luffy and zoro
Nah zoro is a beast like oden tho
Rayleigh and Gaban were trying to warn and “hold back” Roger from being dumb and reckless. Something oden has in common with Roger and zoro with luffy
I think both zoro and sanji kinda share the role of Rayleigh but with zoro being more oden like and sanji Gaban
Same with Yamato king and queen with the 2 both sharing things in common with king
Its lowkey pretty common for other right hand mans to lowkey be a mix of the 2
Beckman and killer also being good examples