How strong is EOS Sanji?

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If Scopper Gaban is Burn Scar Man, who we know can summon whirlpools to stop ships from approaching, then that means CoC must be capable of manipulating the weather since Gaban doesn’t have a DF probably. Which means Roger 100% caused the storm which neg diffed Shiki’s fleet

@EmperorKinyagi @TheKnightOfTheSea @JoNdule
Man with the burn scar and the one dressed in black sailing a ghost ship are different people
Zoro is a beast like oden is
Oden is not a lot weaker lo he’s just a less known member because he was only with them for a year

Nah zoro is a beast like oden tho
Rayleigh and Gaban were trying to warn and “hold back” Roger from being dumb and reckless. Something oden has in common with Roger and zoro with luffy

I think both zoro and sanji kinda share the role of Rayleigh but with zoro being more oden like and sanji Gaban
Same with Yamato king and queen with the 2 both sharing things in common with king

Its lowkey pretty common for other right hand mans to lowkey be a mix of the 2
Beckman and killer also being good examples
Jinbes been a member for 2 weeks, he’s well known in the straw hats
Seriously , it seems like Roger stocks are in the fuckin gutter now

this effects yonkos too
As happy iam with roger= his wings statement but people are taking it as face value, i think It just means they are extremely close

Roger ext diffs ray and high diffs Gaban
Same with Luffy and his wings

And this just means how strong Ray and Gaban were, doesnt change anything about Roger. His stocks are safe as always cause he is parallel of luffy and shanks, odas golden boys

this chapter just had wings ( both roger's and luffy's ) stocks sky rocket
Among the Straw Hats, there are 3 people who are exceptionally stronger than others !! "Sanji, Jimbei and Zoro" so i guess they are all equals ?
Don't ignore the main sentence "legendary figure equal to Roger and Rayleigh", it was never about "strength" :BigW:.
d-did you just invent a headcanon sentence and presented it as "proof"?
Btw this makes Oden look like even a bigger retard than before 😭 for denying help. Roger pirates would have wiped Orochi/Kaidou off the map in under a few hours if he just said yes.

How does a character who is already a 0/10 get worse well after his arc.
If Oden wasn't a retard and gave a call to Rayleigh and Gaban the Beast Pirates at that time would get wiped off the history

It just is what it is

Didn't Kaido and Orochi have hostages tho or some shit?
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