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Poor Sommers, I like the guy :josad:
My only problem with Sanji vs Saint Sommers is that he is related to Saint Ju Peter. Don't get me wrong, I love the Farmer but that worm form looks so bad and uninspired :whitepress:
And Saint Mars flies :robinsweat:

I beseech you CL²³Oda, please :jackcopium:
Totally agree here. I dont mind the sommers matchup if it leads to forcing out evil sanji but if that means its sets up sanji vs jupeter??? Keep that shit oda. Jupeter’s design is ASSSSS:gonope:
Textbook example of why the ability to KO someone doesn’t speak to overall level. Lol

If Kaido tells us his weak ass daughter is YC4, she is YC4.

Imagine Kaido sending the Tobi Roppo to capture Saint Shanks. And then the reward for capturing Saint Shanks would be the right to challenge an All Star to a 1v1 LOL
If it’s a gimmick then sure it isn’t relevant in the grand scheme of things but if it’s a legit KO after an all out fight then u are in the wrong here.

Also idc abt Yamato , ur insecurity abt Kaido and shanks is on full display these days.

Actually, it’s my fault for taking those things seriously.
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