Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1143 : Holy Knights

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I think I may have a solid hunch of why Loki killed Harald.

Harald was in negotiations with at least one different Holy Knight when Loki barged in. And then seeing that the deal was now compromised, he used his power to put Harald under some kind of spell, like a berserker rage or something. And it was actually Harald who killed all his men. But there was no way to stop it but by killing him. And that's why Loki wants to destroy the World.....Government.
The fact that HKs are having dinner and arguing about salt while remotely fucking Elbaf up and a Yonko is running around freely is genuinely crazy

Gunko who’s most likely the weakest of the trio was able to neg-diff some of the strongest Giants they had to offer

Sociopathic shit or they are the real deal. We’re not even touching half of the HKs let alone the strongest one Shamrock just yet either
A little read about Loki (found on Quora, by someone who claims knowing a bit about northen mythology:

Loki is simultaneously responsible for some of the biggest problems in Norse mythology mostly because he thought it would be funny to cause problems on purpose, but those same problems are also the cause of Loki being genuinely helpful and proving important treasures. As an example, Mjolnir (the hammer of Thor and a very important part of the Norse religion and a symbol of law, civilization and blessings) was created by the dwarves because Loki set up a competition, which also produced other wonders such as a massive boat that can fold into a tiny hankerchief-sized token, a gold ring that constantly produces more golden rings for infinite wealth, a shining golden boar for Freyr, golden hair for Sif, and the spear Gungnir which never misses.

Loki creates problems, but he also brings about solutions and creates many marvelous things, and while his schemes often backfire on him, the products of them are still generally helpful.

Loki is incredibly clever and he’s not at all ashamed of himself, which is significant as Odin does many of the same things Loki does, but conceals them, while Loki feels no shame and proudly admits to them.

He seems to genuinely love his children; not just the children he had with his wife among the Aesir, but the monstrous children of Angrboda the giant, such as Fenris the wolf, Jormangundr the Midgard Serpent and Hel, goddess of the dead, all fated to march against the Aesir upon Ragnarok, and Loki marches with them. While much of it is a result of personal grudges (Loki having been sentenced to a gruesome torture for his part in the death of Baldur), Loki can be interpreted as acting in defense of his children, who were cast away or imprisoned in an attempt to avoid the doom of Ragnarok (which only brings it about, for his children feel resentment and betrayal for being cast out like this and so march against the gods).

Loki, in one story, saves a child from a troll, using his cleverness to defeat it. Notably, he does not ask for anything in return at all, but simply does it because he was asked to by the child’s parents.

Loki’s actual role in the Norse religion, and why people prayed to him, is unknown, but one common speculation is that because of his association with families and children, and surviving rites of placing baby teeth into a fireplace before asking Loki to watch over the child in question, its possible Loki may have been a god of home, family and hearth, and as such his domain was the family itself, which also lines up with him being the mother/father of monsters (depending on the children in question).

- ParagonRobits

This aligns with what we know of Loki. Loki is a product of his emotions. He is not necessarily good, but he is no evil. Never was. He is balanced and nuanced and most of all, he has a heart. A big one.

Which also aligns with what I said two weeks ago.. Loki is probably emotionnaly wounded and he doesn't know how to deal with that. So he only use what he knows best : Violence. But something's telling me that he is all mouthy, he barks but does not bite.

I bet he can't actually hurt innocent people

And this part of himself probably contradicts with his warrior education, which makes him angry and confused.
The fact that HKs are having dinner and arguing about salt while remotely fucking Elbaf up and a Yonko is running around freely is genuinely crazy

Gunko who’s most likely the weakest of the trio was able to neg-diff some of the strongest Giants they had to offer

Sociopathic shit or they are the real deal. We’re not even touching half of the HKs let alone the strongest one Shamrock just yet either
You are overexaggerating things. Gunko handled some nameless guards assigned to an abandoned castle. Not exactly someone like Dorry or Brogy.

And of course they underestimate Luffy. They just think he's a "mere pirate", because they also think they are Saints and shit. Let's see how they react when said mere pirate decks one of them.