Personally thought it was decent chapter. Only downside was that it was short.
Somethings I found very interesting though were:
1. Oden’s comments with regards to selfishly going back to claim the title of Shogun even though he illegally left the country with Roger & the fact that Wano has always been closed off from the world.
- People are not so open to change, especially something that has been preserved for so long and then it doesnt help that the person pushing for it is someone that has broken those rules. So there had have to have been more than a few folks that were opposed to Oden as Shogun. In which case, I can kinda see how Orochi fits into the puzzle. I’ll always wondered how Orochi fits into the picture and ho was able to overthrow Oden even though he seemed to have been loved by most.
2. Orochi’s executives

and Kyoshiro staying behind in the capital.
- On Kyoshiro, I cant shake the feeling that he’s going to do something rebellious 😂 . I personally want Oda to keep him as an antagonist (albeit one in the grey zone) particularly for Zoro but seeing as he was left out off Onigashima where all the action is happening, you have to wonder. But then again, chances are that Hiyori has been captures. In which case he might have been left behind to watch over her. So Zoro v Kyoshiro is still in the works 🙏🏿
- We finally get introduced to Orochi’s top brass

. It was always obvious that Kyoshiro & Fuku were two of them but then now the Mimawarigumi Leader & the Monk are pretty much confirmed as two more. Again guys & girls, notice the circular pattern on the Monk & the Mimawarigumi leader’s kimonos. It is very apparent that this is a pattern Oda is using for Orochi’s subordinates. Again, Neko has a similar pattern😉
3. Not gonna lie, Kinemon seemed a bit too dramatic for me this chapter 😓 tho I understand why he feels that way. I did like the way Oda had Oden go on about opening the borders of Wano with his reliable retainers at the beginning of the chapter & then had Inuarashi prepare the only usable boat they could find to sail towards Onigashima with the scabbards even tho things look dire atm.
Lastly gotta give props to Orochi for whatever he did to fck the alliance temporarily. The man is competent even if he’s weak.