Chill? Dude is gonna cut a mountain size pig in the next chapter and we aren't even see his prime from or his battle against Ashura/Kaido.

That is just the beginning and Oda already hype the shit of Oden.
Don't know how you guys think about this chapter but I love it. I finally get the old feeling japan mystic vipe, the mountain god kinda remind me of princess mononoke and same time Toriko.
Nice to see outside of some Mystic beast a Pig who is big as a fucking mountain. And Oden gonna probably cut that shit up in the next chapter. I was kinda worry about Oden flashback but fuck yes give me a long good flashback. I want now the flashback and looking forward.
Now I wanna want to see the Mountain size Pig God. Oden get more and more hype,if he gonna kill that Boar with a insane slash attack!!!