One Piece Chapter 960 Spoilers Discussion

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Katsuzo's son: Sir Samurai please do something about that guy!!
Random dude: Hey don't cry! I know saying you shouldn't cry at a funeral is a bit odd but still...
Samurai: What happened?!
Katuzo's son: Please take a look at that, that guy! He's was taking his sweet time boiling Oden with the flames that's being used to burn my father's corpse!!!
Samurai: He's boiling Oden?:believe:
Samurai?: Oden~sama!/Master Oden~!
Oden: *Speaking gibberish whilst he eats*
Katsuzo's son: Can't for the life of me figure out what the hell you're trying to say but just get away from my dad already!!! It's an insult to my fathers death! *sobs*
Oden: *Keeps on eating and drinking* (seems as though he's grieving too)
interesting....hope there must be some emotional reason for Oden doing whatever he was doing....
Tsuru: Kin'emon!!! You stole from my wallet again didn't you!
Kin'emon: It hurrtts!!!! stop it already Tsuru! We been friends since we were lil twerps haven't we?
Kin'emon: My older bro has been a bit pressed for cash as of late you see... *panicking*
Tsuru: What older bro?! You gamble that's why you're always broke. Do you even know how much your tab is?!!!
Tsuru: If you lay as much as a finger on my money again, I'm selling your kidneys
(*Kin calls Tsuru's name in a peculiar way, which I am not familiar with so not sure how to translate it ^^" Given they are childhood friends tho, I'm guessing he's calling her name in a familiar way)
I love the relationship between these two
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