One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

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While on Roger's ship, Hiyori is born
Hiyori was born already in last chapter?

It goes on to state that it will lead them to the end (final island) Oden declares that this will lead to the final chapter of Roger's adventure. END.
So the hyped adventure of the Editor weeks ago finally begins, looking forward for a great adventure for both Roger and Oden.
A few panels and their translations-
It was 13 years ago already...!! We reached the last island of the Log Pose, that nobody else had reached before. We finally arrived at "Roadster Island"!!
神避 Kamusari - God Aversion (totally unsure on this)
The last part reads: "I'll show you, Roger, the last chapter of the greatest adventure of your/a lifetime".
Bottom panels, Buggy speaks about "the boy wearing a hat" (Blackbeard) and something about "night" and then says "Ever since he was born, he never slept" and Shanks replies "eh!? such a human exists!? oh well".
Like the spirit Samara from The Ring movie, she too wasn't able to sleep and didn't cry since she was born...
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