So this was the incredibly amazing reason to justify why Oden trusted the known liar and trickster Orochi, refused to fight for his country when they needed him most, danced naked in the streets for half a decade adding further insult to his people whilst they starved, were executed and forced into labour? Only to attack ANYWAY simply to lose because he left it too long...
It's almost as if the stankiness of this plot point could be smelt from its very creation. It's almost as if people were justified to call trash out on the spot knowing there was zero possible way there could be any satisfactory explanation. But it seems like Oda didn't even try and simply used a generic "tHeY HaD hOsTaGeS" excuse, and for Oden to legitimately believe that Orochi, from the Kurozumi clan that strived for so long to rule Wano, would simply up and leave if Oden gave him a strip tease...I really don't know what to say lmfaooooo.

Fairly hard to argue that there is a character worse than Oden post timeskip. What a mistake his entire existence was...