Spoiler One Piece Chapter 973 Spoilers Discussion

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Fs will play as much a part tho, because it will allow him to dodge kaidos attacks. Because if they connect then its goodnight sweet prince. The same reason law is there btw, it’s to top people in and out of the fight with kaido. Actually he wasn’t able to do it well after the big mom thing and he had to train for it but you know luffy, once he does something and gets the feel for it he will learn it in due time.
Against kaido luffys didn’t use fs because you have to be calm to use it remember, and he was the farthest thing from calm back then.
solid point
luffy wasnt calm then . but say fs took him to a yc1 level character
and I assume adv coa by the end of the arc should push him to a yonko level one.
I would argue
its a bigger buff still


Lead them to paradise.
Man, after Kyoshiro confirmed to be an ally, here goes more of the enemy forces. I am afraid that not many people from our alliance will get their proper shine!
I'm hoping Toppi Roppo remaining members are very powerful, same as the Numbers.

Cause we need powerful opponents for the powerful allies we are getting!

OTHERWISE, Oda will forget about certain people and will not make them shine
That’s because people are underestimating how much of a threat a yonko is, let alone two. Trust in oda ;p


Kitetsu Wanker
Because it’s pure idiocy to believe that the Mc of a SHOUNEN’s subbordinate is stronger than him. And I mean I’d take oda words over a random on the internet any day of the week, it is his story after all and no amount of trolling is gonna make what he says any more false.
On one side you have "pure idiocy", on another side you have "lets make up thousand headcanons to make sense of Zoro's power level".

Imagine even thinking an underling came out stronger than his captain

Yeah right, luffy always had g4 since TS

Zoro just received Enma and trained
So anyone thinking Zoro was even around cracker/doffy since TS is tripping
Wano Zoro> DR Zoro /TS Zoro

So enough with all the crap "zoro came out stronger than Luffy"
Luffy didn't need any new PU to beat YC dudes like doffy/cracker, he already made G4 during TS
While Zoro and Sanji received PUs for YC tier dudes.

Current adHaki g4 luffy> G4 luffy ~ Enma Zoro>~ RS Sanji>Shishui Zoro>base Sanji
We don't imagine anything, don't worry! you are wrong, you are taking so many L recently and you know it haha.

Even Oda doesn't care if Zoro came stronger than Luffy or not. because Luffy will take Kaido so Zoro taking the 2nd strongest is perfect for Oda. But we still have people who cry for everything :gokulaugh:

When Zoro will defeat King or even more if he cut Kaido, i think we will have the Coronoa Virus in WG lol! They will die because of him :milaugh:


Lead them to paradise.
solid point
luffy wasnt calm then . but say fs took him to a yc1 level character
and I assume adv coa by the end of the arc should push him to a yonko level one.
I would argue
its a bigger buff still
I feel like people have this misconception that advcoa is an ap buff but to me it’s just to allow the user to bypass durability. Against someone with no innate defenses luffy was already rearranging people’s insides with his hits. So advcoa wouldn’t do anything more than what he was already doing if you understand what I mean.
I feel like people have this misconception that advcoa is an ap buff but to me it’s just to allow the user to bypass durability. Against someone with no innate defenses luffy was already rearranging people’s insides with his hits. So advcoa wouldn’t do anything more than what he was already doing if you understand what I mean.
at the same time it doesnt just do just that
it increases his defenses as well even with basic coo
hyo said when mastered he could stop mama's hit in his base .
but now he can also hurt her in his base

its that crazy.
he would need g4 to break a cracker biscuit. now not so much.
Yeah definitely tbh I’d rate him above Jack. Ashura messed Jack up and he wasn’t even trying.
I wonder who he is going to fight during the war. But with big mom here, there will be plenty of opponents for the alliance.

We can also assume that he knows who the traitor is and that he is somehow responsible for what happened at the harbour. Everyone is safe and they will go to onigashima and the traitor will be revealed soon.
I wouldn't be surprised if the flying six are all marine (sword members). All trained for the specific purpose of taking down the Beast Pirates from within. It would explain Drakes anger towards Sanji for defeating Page One.
Oh that makes The beast pirates so lame... like none of their actual headliners are strong... All of them are spies... this is a bad look
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